No Borders film night, Monday Feb 4th
Manchester No Borders | 31.01.2008 15:00 | Migration
The main feature will be Nick Broomfield's Ghosts.
The title GHOSTS refers to the term the Chinese use to describe white westerners, but it could also be a reference to the legions of poorly paid, and unprotected non-British workers labouring in slave conditions within the food industry which many would prefer remained invisible.
This film addresses this other side of Britain we chose not to see and explores the exploitation and circumstances behind the daily lives of these workers who prepare food for UK supermarkets and restaurants that culminated in the tragedy of Morecambe Bay, when 23 Chinese workers lost their lives in February 2004.
There will also be short films about resistance to restrictions on freedom of movement, speakers from the No borders network, and ample chance for discussion of all the issues raised.
Manchester No Borders