After Peter Hain - unshackle MPs and 'Peers' and let them question Govt freely
AADHIKARonline with Khoodeelaar! 'No to Crossrail hole Bill' UK | 12.01.2008 09:00 | Social Struggles
peter Hain’s position in the news this morning remains unpredictable. also untenable. also embarrassing. most of the questions being asked this morning [Saturday 12 January 2008] centre on Hain’s alleged excuse that the mess he is in was caused by his assistants, associates, his campaign team etc. not by him. it was, as the phrase goes, a huge 'cock up'! but the bbc 'today' programme is beginning to tell the truth, albeit ever so gently, ever so cautiously, ever so carefully. never, of course, fully or in time. I won’t be surprised if either Hain or gordon brown pops up on the ‘real; bbc’ political programme – fronted by the in-house spin meister for those in positions of power or immorality ['fame!'] , Andrew maar tomorrow morning [Sunday 13 January 2008].
none of these slots- be they on the bbc or be they on even the Rupert Murdoch-skytv or the idiot TV [itv] channels – will do the right thing: actually investigate peter Hain. no, what they ought to do and what they will never do, is to investigate the ‘practice of government’ under gordon brown, and look into the brazen illegality, unconstitutionality going on across the entire gordon brown bureaucracy. nowhere more so than ‘on the floors’ of the two chambers of the uk parliament. debate is not allowed. by debate I here and elsewhere mean the open, systematic, rational, objective examination of all the experience involved in any measure. no ‘measure’ under formal parliamentary ‘processing’ could illustrate the lack of parliamentary debate than the ‘CrossRail bill’ that is due for a period of formal ‘processing’ in the upper chamber. the ‘house of lords’.
By©Muhammad Haque
2100 Hrs GMT
London Friday 11 January 2008:
Khoodeelaar! the East London 'No to Crossrail hole Bill' CAMPAIGN continues to update for the UK Parliament’s Upper Chamber the evidence of unconstitutional behaviour by the UK Transport Minister..
One after the other, every single one of the holders of that post in the past four years, has behaved in breach of their constitutional obligations.
They have concealed from parliament the facts of their real 'interest' in reviving the Crossrail hole plot.
Thus the Ministers have defied their duties to Parliament.
And thus to the country. And thus they have acted illegitimately Unconstitutionally.. And therefore their 'scheme' is a scam.
It is a sham project...
It must be scrapped.
A properly devised and promoted and democratically scrutinised alternative can be put in its place.. if any should be put in place along the CRASSrail lines at all...
[To be continued]
AADHIKARonline with Khoodeelaar! 'No to Crossrail hole Bill' UK
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