End the Gaza siege protest this Saturday / Public meeting: Break the siege 23rd Jan
Sheffield PSC | 10.01.2008 22:31 | Palestine | Sheffield
Saturday 12th January 2008, End the Gaza siege protest, Sheffield Town Hall 12 - 1pm.
All this at a time when Israel's leaders are 'talking peace' and claiming the occupation of Gaza is over.
Please show your support for the truly brutalised Palestinian region of Gaza by attending this protest and call for an end to the siege.
Also see:
Public meeting: 'Break the Siege' boat to Gaza, Wednesday, 23rd January, 2008, 7.30pm
Quaker meeting house, James St. Sheffield city centre. (leaflet attached)
Public meeting on the 'Break the Siege' boat to Gaza; Sharyn from the 'Break the Siege' organisation will give a presentation on plans for an international group of volunteers to take a boat, loaded with supplies from Cyprus to Gaza. Sharyn has volunteered in the West Bank over the last 5 years, and is one of the many human rights workers now refused entry by Israel, she plans to be onboard the ship. The Free Gaza project aims to raise international awareness about the prison like closure of Gaza and call for an end for international sanctions and an end to Israeli occupation.
More info:
Sheffield PSC