wot a wonderfull web you spin at NOTTINGHILL
barry lindsey | 06.01.2008 16:27
not allowed to go within 500 mtrs of landlords offices:yes i understand
is the court not within 500 mtrs( as the crow flys/straight line)yes i understand, that if appearing at court i could be arrested and charge for breach of court order or contempt of court(both carry prison time)????
but,then should call this catch 22 (dammed if i do???dammed if i don't)
NOTTINGHILL can you explaine"""""""""""""""yes we can, simplicity=WE MAKE THE RULE AND YOU WILL OBEY/or face court action.
all i can say is;i wish i'de stolen a loaf of bread;perhaps they will send me to AUSTRAILA
PMSL barry lindsey
barry lindsey