Urgent Call-in: Stop attack on Uhuru Movement
Uhuru News | 14.12.2007 19:52 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | World
Boley Centers, Inc. is a non-profit multi-million dollar company that is supposed to be providing assistance to people in need. They operate in Pinellas, Hillsborough, Manatee and Sarasota Counties in Florida with programs around housing, disabilities, and mental illness. Boley receives the majority of their funding from the City of St. Petersburg and are currently cooperating with the city to unleash a vicious attack on the Uhuru Movement.
On Saturday, December 1st, four Uhuru Movement members received a letter from Boley Centers, Inc. saying that they “did not comply with the City of St. Petersburg housing criteria” and their housing voucher will be terminated effectively Dec 31 (new year’s eve). There was no mention of what they did not comply with, what could be done to comply, or how to appeal this termination. This means that people who need housing assistance will now be forced out of their homes on the holidays because they are members of the Uhuru Movement.
The Uhuru Movement is urging people to call-in!
Who to Call:
Stephanie Lampe
Coordinator of Housing and Community Development for the City of St. Petersburg
When to Call:
Thursday, Friday, Monday 8AM – 4 PM
What to Say:
1. Ask to speak with Stephanie Lampe
2. My name is ________________ and I am calling from (your city)
3. And I want to know why people are receiving letters in the mail from Boley saying that their housing is being terminated for no reason.
4. In the Black Community people can’t find any decent livable housing.
5. And I am outraged that the City is using Boley to push Africans out of their housing.
6. I know why they are doing it. Its because of their relationship with the Uhuru Movement.
7. And they are attacking the movement because of what they stand for.
8. This must end immediately!!!
Let us know that you called:
Call (727) 821-6620 and leave a message or email

For more information on the Uhuru Movement, visit

Uhuru News