Trial of DSEi Arms Fair Downing St Protester – Case Dismissed
dv | 07.12.2007 23:06 | DSEi 2007 | Anti-militarism | London
The Crown failed to disclose CCTV evidence in time, and the police witnesses were absent from court. Counsel for the defence objected to an adjournment, considering there had already been two pre-trial reviews. The prosecution was unable to proceed, so the magistrates dismissed the charge.
Ms Willis’s legal observer, Daniel Viesnik, who was arrested at the same time for alleged obstruction of the police and obstruction of the highway, is due to stand trial on 4th February 2008 at City of Westminster Magistrates (Horseferry Rd).
The trial of the two DSEi protesters involved in the ‘Rivers of Blood’ action is due to be heard at Stratford Magistrates on Thursday 20th December. Supporters are welcome, both outside and inside the court.
dviesnik at yahoo dot co dot uk