Rudy Giuliani’s Wheelchair Theft just the Tip of the Iceberg
Karen Fish | 29.11.2007 16:16 | Anti-militarism | World
These latest Revelations of Rudy Giuliani secretly dipping into the money of the New York Office for the Disabled to pay for excursions to visit his mistress in the Hamptons in the weeks prior to 9/11 and then covering it up even to this day give the words “Rudy’s 9/11 Bull Horn” new meaning. New Yorker Woody Allen called politicians one step below child molesters. Rudy Giuliani has just lowered the bar. Stealing money from the budget of the disabled to commit adultery? What’s next, robbing old widows to pay for Bernie Kerick’s blow?
According to Russia’s newspaper Pravda, the United States of America has now become a police state. President Bush has put all the pieces in place to declare martial law in the land of the formerly free. Until this newest Revelation about Rudy Giuliani the ex mayor had a commanding lead in the Republican polls and a large lead over Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton. In a land of 300 million people this fool was just a hair away from having absolute power over the button and all of us.
Is it something about the water in New York? Did the same toxic air poison that Rudy Giuliani sent the New York firefighters, policemen and cleanup workers crawling around in caterpillars in the dead of night without masks which has now led to many of them now coming down with permanent respiratory ailments and cancer leach into the water? How can you expect a man like this to ever address the issue of global warming especially as he is a well known employee of Texaco? Would Rudy Giuliani, whose top foreign policy advisor recently published an article with the chorus, “Nuke Iran Immediately” even consider that the earth is a tiny ball and that the wind of this tiny ball will blow the radioactive poison from his own nuclear bombs right back onto the heads of his own people? We are talking about Rudy Giuliani, a man who just got caught stealing wheelchairs from the disabled to pay to have sex with his mistress.
Do the people of the United States not consider a person’s character before anointing him or her or him and her to the Oval Office? From among 300 million people can we not find one person who is honest and interested in peace? Can we not find one person who will not lie through his teeth and tell every group exactly what they want to hear even when the two sides are diametrically opposed?
The televangelist Rev. Pat Robertson ran for President in 1988 on a strictly pro family platform. Three weeks ago Rev. Pat Robertson jumped on the Rudy Giuliani bandwagon. Pat Robertson said that Jesus Christ sent Hurricane Katrina to New Orleans to punish the United States for legalizing abortion. Among religious fanatics you could put him right up there with Osama bin Laden.
Rudy Giuliani tells his liberal audiences that he is pro choice. Rudy Giuliani told Pat the Haz Mat and his conservative audiences that when he is elected President he will appoint judges to the Supreme Court who will overturn Roe v Wade, criminalize abortion and uphold martial law, including the illegal wiretapping of the disabled. What did Jesus Christ have to say about mass murderers, thieves, adulterers, fornicators, hypocrites and liars? Were they first in line for the Kingdom of Heaven, or did God carve in stone that he would punish them, their children, their grandchildren and great grandchildren? Perhaps Rudy Giuliani should consult with his spiritual advisor.
Last night a You Tuber asked the Republican candidates if they believed that the Holy Bible is the true Word of God? This is relevant because the United States is presently engaged in what President Bush publicly declared to be a Christian Crusade against Islam. How did the 1.3 billion Muslim people feel last night hearing Rudy Giuliani call Islam a “Great Religion” knowing that Rudy Giuliani has declared war on Islamofascism, the “Muslim Fascists”, supported the Bush conquering of Muslim Afghanistan and Muslim Iraq, and has appointed a team of foreign policy advisors who have published articles calling for the nuclear annihilation of Muslim Iran, all in an attempt to steal the Muslim Middle East oil.
Do you feel comfortable sending this little creep up against Iran and its partners who just formed a military alliance and conducted war games together, Russia and China, the countries who helped tiny North Vietnam defeat the United States? Jesus Christ said, “Woe to you blind guides! How blind you are! Woe to you hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the plate but inside they are full of greed and self indulgence. Woe to you hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside look beautiful but inside they are full of the bones of the dead and all kinds of filth. So you also on the outside look righteous to others but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. You snakes, you brood of vipers, how can you escape being sentenced to Hell?” (Matt 23).
Last night, instead of the You Tuber asking, “Would Jesus Christ have endorsed the death penalty?”, he should have asked, “Would the Jewish born Rabbi and Messiah of Christianity and Islam, (Koran Sura Chapter 3:40-43), Jesus Christ, (aka God of Mount Sinai, God the Father, The Holy Spirit, Allah, Elohim, Yehovah) have voted for Rudy Giuliani or brushed him off like a piece of lint?
Karen Fish