£60,000 for two days work a week at Culture Company
Liverpool SubCulture | 11.11.2007 17:56 | Liverpool
But evidence of the "lasting legacy" which has been developed by energetic Elliott, chief executive of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic , has so far proved extremely difficult to find.
He is known instead for popping into the Fun Palace now and again, sitting dumbly in a few meetings and failing to make any creative contribution to proceedings.
So negligible has been been his impact, that one senior Culture Company official was recently overheard to ask in all seriousness "who is that grey man sitting in the corner who never says anything?"
Culture watchers have been astonished to learn that for his miserable and increasingly obscure 'efforts', Elliott has been rewarded with 60 grand of council taxpayer's money.
Readers will remember that Elliott was appointed to this specific role after one of the many Night of the Long Knives at the Culture Company Board.
Fireman Bradley then gave him direct responsibility for ensuring there was a legacy post 2008.
Council taxpayers already heavily subsidise the Phil of course - and Elliott's rumoured £200,000-a-year salary - to the tune of more than £1.3million every year.
So an extra £60,000 in Elliott's back pocket for not doing very much is neither here nor there really.
Just a drop in the ocean.
Meanwhile, the Culture Company has long since stopped talking about the 14,000 new jobs for Liverpool that were promised from 2008.
Nor does it mention the £1 billion worth of extra investment that it used to confidently forecast would be attracted to Liverpool.
Nor, especially after the Mathew Street debacle, does the Culture Company brag anymore about the millions of extra tourists who will supposedly be attracted to Liverpool by the 'best ever' Capital of Culture.
Indeed, the only eye-watering numbers that the Culture Company is now associated with is the millions of pounds in salaries which have been paid out like confetti to fat cats, failed PR agencies and cashing-in consultants.
Not to mention the tens of millions of pounds which have been wasted by the Harbarrowboy and Donald Bullshitter's mismanagement and incompetence.
Liverpool SubCulture
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