Wisconsin Death Trip becomes Hitler's Health Care
Bobby Meade | 04.11.2007 18:30 | G8 Germany 2007 | Education | Health | History | Liverpool
Sensing an abnormally strong Bush Nazi presence in the northern Midwest, I believe that the Nazis are trying to conceal that has been a stronghold of Nazism since the Second Reich, preying on anyone who challenges their stupidity.
2/10/07 Trying to get the attention of Minnesota IMC last night, I mentioned the Wisconsin Death Trip article of October 2001, telling them that just like the population of the Wisconsin town mentioned in the original Wisconsin Death Trip, going through the chemicalmongering madness of the Second Reich, the world of today is going through the chemicalmongering madness of the Bush Nazis of the Third Reich. And don't forget that Hitler didn't die until 2001. If you find the pictures of the dead children of the original Wisconsin Death Trip, note that these people were probably trying to make clear that these were healthy children. Below is my Wisconsin Death Trip of October 2001:
My Daddy said that Madison, Wisconsin made a bad move when they said that that they wanted local news only on their IMC site. I told them that I planned to write next on the "Wisconsin Death Trip", a book that I had read in the late seventies. When I went looking for this book, I discovered that it had disappeared from the library at the house where I had read it. At the library on campus I discovered that they had eight or more copies of it; but I realized that this was not the book that I was looking for but a reprint of a book by this name from the 1920s. The book that I was looking for was published in the early seventies, and it had recent pictures of dying people in Wisconsin in the second half of the twentieth century. I also remember that most of these people were reportedly dying from respiratory illnesses. The book that I found on campus was republished in 1973 and looked remarkably similar to the book that I was looking for; but it focused solely on a period of social upheaval in a Wisconsin town in the 1890s. I suspect that the publication of the book that I was looking for compelled people to republish the original "Wisconsin Death Trip"; plus they made a movie out of it. This was all apparently done to cover up the fact that someone published a book linking the social upheaval of the 1890s to the lawless practices of the present day and age. Here I am going to point out the relationship between this period of social upheaval in the 1890s and the lawlessness of today that I have addressed in many articles.
The social upheaval of the 1890s in this town was concealed much in the same way that the lawlessness of today is in that the true motives and the nature and causes of the illnesses and the madness that afflicted this town were categorized as everyday happenings that "No Body Is Going to Do Nothing About..". In this town of the 1890s people were dying at an incredible rate. There were lynchings, roving gangs, and reports that bordered on "mass insanity among the populace". There was a recently established asylum for the insane nearby that figured heavily in the reported madness also. A notable focus of this book is the abnormal number of reported deaths and photographs of dead children who had died from typhoid fever and/or diphtheria. Now I have looked up diphtheria in the best reference books of this day and age, and I find that it probably is not what they say it is. It is written that it is a communicable bacterial illness that produces a toxin in the respiratory system that results in the formation of a membrane that asphyxiates the victims. There were allegedly vaccines produced for diphtheria; thus it is something that we never hear of today. I suspect that these children and many others were murdered by phosgene; i.e. hydrochloric acid, which I have described in detail in "Modus Operandi of Lawlessness..". It was probably a never-ending cycle of illness and death as typhoid and diphtheria ravaged the population. The wells were probably contaminated to produce the typhoid, and chlorine was probably used in attempts to disinfect households to ward off illness. Since hydrochloric acid smells like chlorine, "diphtheria" was probably coined when hydrochloric acid began to kill people who had mistaken the smell of hydrochloric acid for the relatively harmless chlorine. The painless death that resulted as the lungs filled with fluid as a result of the damage from the acid was extended and compounded by infections sometimes, and that probably led researchers to blame these deaths on bacteria. The membrane that they claimed would form in the lungs and air passageways of the victims was probably the hardened fluid and mucus that they observed in the corpses of victims. Before I reveal the probable truth behind what was happening in the 1890s in Wisconsin, lets take a look at what I have written about the lawlessness of today.
In my writings I have identified sulphur, acids, arsenic, asbestoes, petroleum, cyanic gas, calcium, false allegations, abductions, and more as the means by which the lawless ones target and eliminate anyone who "rubs them the wrong way". They are particularly proud of the fact that they can "get rid" of someone without even touching their victims, and they claim that Hitler never touched anyone either. The list of who these lawless ones are grows bigger every day. The depraved indifference to human life that was attributed to the coprophagists seems to be characteristic of all of them too. Theirs are the practices of the Nicolaitans who God has condemned (Rev. 2:6, 15). Since I revealed that militant homosexuals are those who would throw chemicals at you if you "rubbed them the wrong way", I have looked up the definition of militant homosexuals and found that they are allegedly the most vocal advocates of the homosexual cause. I revealed that the true militant homosexuals are the ones who "hang out" in the "closet" and target anyone who expresses displeasure with the vocal homosexual activists, the gay pride parades, or any other aspect of the homosexual cause. It is obvious how the same type of practice is manifested in the current war scenario as the lawless ones encourage their intended targets to support or oppose the war so that the clueless activists might be targetted (see "Do Something! Quick!; "Delusions of War"; and "America Plays War") The lawless ones will apparently move on anyone for anything that they feel can achieve or further their intentions of getting rid of those who have "rubbed them the wrong way". I have witnessed the apparent elimination of a woman who tried to get someone to address the intentional contamination of a building with asbestoes. They apparently don't even try to fabricate the diagnosis that complainers have delusions about the chemicals in the air anymore, they just say that they "died unexpectedly". Although I have revealed how the exposure of the educational deficiencies of the "Education of Fools" can put an end to the lawless incompetents wreaking havoc in the workforce; I suspect that they are working on getting legislation enacted that will prevent employers from discriminating against their stupidity. Since their chemicalmongering proclivities have played such a big role in their rise to power, the recognition of their chemicalmonging or their support of it as proof of their aspiring to be recognized as God's chosen people will help ensure that they end up at the "Love Festivals of Hooterville", where their chemicalmongering skills will be utilized in voodoo and much more. There are surely a lot of "Messiahs in the Making" in this country. "How Many Messiahs You Got?"????
So in Wisconsin in the 1890s it looks like a particularly lawless bunch came into power in this town, and they promoted the suppression of accounts of what really happened as they and their compatriots made manifest what was apparently a "Concealed Holocaust". If someone was forced from their house by chemicals or something else when they were nude, they were probably reported as being insane, and it was the end of them. If roving bands continuously harassed a person, that person would probably be declared insane if he or she spoke out about it. The probable intentional promotion of death and disease would further escalate the number of those diagnosed with madness. Really this was probably business as usual for a group that had probably promoted disasters such as the Black Death and the Potato Famine; but it is unique in that it happened in the U.S., it happened in a rural western area, a mental health institution was involved, and "Deceit, Delusions, and Depraved Dementia" were apparently involved to a large extent. Since this scenario is apparently being manifested on a global scale today, we might use this example to explain how the Zionist pro-gay coprophagic agenda is being made manifest worldwide as a greatly expanded version of the Wisconsin Death Trip.
From the amount of antagonism that my writings have generated in places like Madison, Wisconsin; it is probable that they are all trying to cover up the full extent of the "Silent Murder Epidemic" that they are waging against the locals in such places. Of course you know that "there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed"(Mt. 10:26) and that is "Why They Love Bob Meade So Much"; but you have to thank them for giving me the opportunity to put Wisconsin on the "map". That version of "Wisconsin Death Trip" that I was seeking was probably a "bootleg" book that was never legally published; but it apparently did compel the original book to be republished. Until the wicked are no more (Ps. 37); trust no one (Mic. 7:5). Hasta luego, adios.
PS: Fiction? "Wisconsin Death Trip" is probably classified as fiction because there were and are continuous efforts to suppress accounts of what happened. On the other hand we have fabrications like the "Warren Commission Report" being presented as fact. Try reporting on the Storm Troopers rubbing out the "Jesus Freak Kid", JFK, and see how far you get. So do we call the "WDT" a conspiracy(Is. 8:12)? We would do no such thing! After all, God has thought up a calamity from which these people will not remove their necks (Mic. 2:3). These Zionists, Nicolaitans and lawless holy-wannabes of the renegade Jacob, George Herbert Walker Bush (Mic. 1:5) have all aspired to be God's chosen people; thus they are destined to continue their "games" at the Love Festivals of Hooterville. Surely God will be pleased!
Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
Hitler's Health Care (11/3/07) A Forum Topix post with introduction and comments. To access US Forum Topix, type City and/or State Forum Topix.
The chemicalmongering madness of the Second Reich continues today with the chemicalmongering madness of the Bush Nazis of the Third Reich, resulting in Nazi death doctors everywhere. "Woe to those who feel secure on Mount Samaria, you notable men of the foremost nation. (Amos 6:1-14) Wicked men are found among my people. They set a trap, they catch men. They know no bounds in deeds of wickedness." (Jer. 5:26, 28-29) This refers to those in the medical profession, posing as good Samaritans; i.e. "angels of light" (2 Cor. 11:14) Heed my words and I will tell you great and hidden things you do not know. Do you doubt the truth of Hitler's Health Care as has been transmitted to you from Bush Daddy's own mouth and ears? If you don't believe what I say about Bush Daddy saying such stuff, consider that he wears an electronic bracelet a la "Dick Tracy" that broadcasts whatever he says, hears, or thinks to me via the computer chip that they implanted in me at Georgetown Medical Center after they broke a hairline fracture in the Emergency Room 6/3/95. In fulfillment of God's word, the sin of his mouth lets him be trapped in his pride (Ps. 59:12; Prov. 12:13; 13:13). As I have written, these chemicals, calcium, sulphur, acid, anthrax, arsenic, phosgene, wormwood, asbestoes, etc. cause numerous ailments such as diabetes, Alzheimers, flu, Parkinson, asthma, whooping cough, thyroid disorders, pneumonia, etc. This arises from "Hitler's Health Care", for they used the concentration camps to determine what effects many chemicals had on people, and most of the resulting information has been suppressed so that the medical field may prey on people. The medical profession is set up to treat these ailments without regard to the cause. If you mention the chemicals, you are likely to be picked up for having delusions. A lot of these chemicalmongering Bush Nazis worship Moses because such stuff came via him. The first plague of Ex. 9:3 produced the dead animals that produced the spores (soot) Ex. 9:8 of the second plague, Ex. 9:9-10, the dead horses of World War I produced the lethal flu epidemic of 1918 that infected one-fifth of the world population. Anthrax is a Biblical Greek word from Exodus 9:9; Deut. 28:27. I've seen pictures of Anthrax spores, round with pointed bumps on them, looking remarkably similar to alleged pictures of the AIDS virus that I have seen. Note 10/23 NY Daily News piece on Anthrax vaccine: They say that it is a virus when it is bacteria. As revealed in Anthrax: An Ancient Scourge, it is the toxicity of the spores that is the issue. What can a vaccine do? What is in it? What is in the flu vaccine if every flu has been Anthrax? As I have mentioned, the Karposi Sarcoma of the early AIDS epidemic was cutaneous Anthrax, and I witnessed similar sores on an Irish lad who was apparently infected by handling dead animals at Cornell Vet School, which was illegally producing the stuff. Bush Daddy said that breast cancer was also caused by Anthrax and that skin lesions of cutaneous Anthrax were used to convince women that the cancer had migrated to lumps within the breasts. The same probably holds true for all cancers in targetted individuals. This favorite method of operation from ancient times has been bolstered by the secret "power food" of the Moabite women of Shittim(Numbers 25:1-4), giving us a word that means feces. (Seek out my Coprophagia Rules article while it may be found.) Bush Daddy says that he has been a poophead for seventy years. Is that the seventy year reign of the King of Babylon? (Jer. 25:11-16) 70 years of brushing people off, saying they are too Gad damn important to talk to anyone and killing anyone who questions their stupidity. From FDR to JFK (Jesus Freak Kid, they called him) to W, Bush Daddy has been in control.
Is this a Bush Nazi stronghold? Does the private army of the Bush Nazis prey on the people who read me? In a probable response to my futile attempts to obtain a positive xray of the computer chip in my knee, my new homeopathic doctor did a digital exam then obtained an elevated PSA reading from a blood test. Upon inspecting a 2003 diagnostic technique book, I learned that a blood test was not supposed to be taken for four weeks after a digital exam. It appears that if you touch the prostate, it increases PSA levels immediately and for a long time after; plus Bush Daddy says that there is no recovery from a biopsy. I learned from 2005-6 medical books that six core samples of the prostate via the rectum are the norm. As a result of this, I conclude that most alleged prostate cancers are bacteria infections that never subside. As a result of this, I conclude that most alleged prostate cancers are bacteria infections that never subside. 200,000 new US cases per year! Is the whole digital exam and prostate cancer scenario based on manipulated PSA levels? To top it off the Bush Nazis have been dumping calcium chemicals that cause urgent urination, a symptom that leads to digital exams. Furthermore comedocarcinoma and carcinoma, alleged roving cancer cells, also sound like bacteria infections most likely promoted by medicines. Keep in mind that carcinoma has allegedly been here for over fifty years. Note that patients are told to bring their medicines to the office probably so that they can be confiscated and destroyed if the medicine has had its desired effect; thus it can never be proven what was in it. I have seen alleged illustrations of prostate cancer, describing the disintegration of cells by the alleged cancer and that is what bacteria does, not cancer. How long will you serve the Bush Nazi god, i.e. their stupidity?(Deut. 13:6-9) Nazi death doctor, Nicky Exarchou has been practicing as a psychiatrist specializing in electroshock with the license of a Greek thoracic surgeon, Exarhos #418-02 since the first Bush administration. I just checked and discovered that he is now getting by with #165-01, in Psychiatry from Univeristy Libre Bruxelles Medecine 1978, allegedly licensed here in 1985. I have determined that a doctor's license represents the number of the school that he or she graduated from. Before this he was practicing without one. The Granada Corporation, the largest corporation there ever was, was founded on Nicky's Holocaust earnings. "Let me take care of your money while you get in this boxcar." Just received the blood test results that claim a high PSA from United Health Services. They reveal 46 measurements or readings from blood tests in 2007 and 2006, and the 2006 test never happened. Since UHS is part of United Health Care, which is part of the Granada Group; i.e. what they now call Granada Corporation; I can only conclude that this is Nicky's way of trying to get at me and that UHS is in the business of honoring bogus medical degrees like Nicky's. Since they continue throwing their chemicals, saying they are harmless, not understanding that any chemical in a high concentration will kill you within seconds; it is time to realize that it is attempted murder, punishable by death. It is not worth impeaching or holding such people guilty (Zech. 11:5). There is no way that they are going to stop throwing these chemicals, for that is their covenant with death (Is. 28:15); thus Bush Daddy's solution for Sarah and Jennifer is probably the best one for them, i.e. the woodchipper. "Piece or peace, whichever comes first." My distinguished Illini counsel, Len Cleary said that. For the past year they have been dumping calcium chemicals on me relentlessly 24 hours a day, hundreds of tons, saying that it is harmless stuff like sulphur. Hypercalcemia with the resultant kidney stones is inevitable, for there is no way that the body can eliminate that much calcium; thus I am finding that more calcium chemicals result in excruciating pain while it doesn't seem to affect those around me.(Hos. 13:13; Mic. 4:9-10) The solution for these Bush Nazi "poison control" centers that phone in chemical air strikes on the general populace and the aircraft dumping the stuff is to contaminate these locations with the same stuff that they have been dumping to the point where they seek help from Hitler's Health Care, then watch what happens when these places are quarantined. Do you know what they say about Hitler? "Hitler never touched anybody!"
Ref. A Word from My Distinguished Illini Counsel
Bush Daddy says that my distinguished counsel also said that if you don't get rid of Nicky Exarchou immediately, it will be the end of all of you! The Granada Corporation, the largest corporation there ever was, was founded on Nicky's Holocaust earnings. "Let me take care of your money while you get in this boxcar." He himself doesn't know who he is, how much he is worth, or where he came from. Foolproof plan? Bush Daddy says that Nicky is worth trillions! Note that Comfort Hospitality Group is also part of the Granada Group. Nicky used the 418 license in 1999 to get a court order to have me injected, then had me injected five or six times a day until I couldn't walk. Since the notice of the mentioned elevated PSA level came from 425 Robinson St., Nicky's alleged office, I presumed that this office would be in the single room on the 11th floor of the State Hospital's Garvin Building, where they administered electroshock. Upon being told that there is not much in that room, I said that Nicky was probably using jumper cables hooked up to an electrical outlet. What happened in this "office" gave rise to the refrain: "They've gone "upstairs"!" Although Bush Daddy claims that my homeopathic doctor, his entire office, and his assistant who also did a digital on me (foolproof plan?) are going to get biopsies to prove how harmless they are; I say that lobotomies would be better, for I'm sure that would be an improvement. 10/26 Bush Daddy claimed today that he proved that the medical profession still listens to his poophole; i.e. the one between his ears. I went to a specialist that I have been to before. He did a digital and claimed there was slight enlargement. He dismissed what I showed him from the 2003 book that revealed elevated PSA levels from the digital and told me to report for another blood test in two days. I mentioned the six core samples being the norm for a biopsy, and he said, "More!" I asked him how they could sterilize the rectum, and he wouldn't answer. I then asked him if he had ever seen prostate cancer and explained that the illustrations that I've seen sure looked like bacteria. He dismissed that too and said, "I'll see you in three weeks." So it goes. 10/29 Bush Daddy said that this doctor said that there is no such thing as prostate cancer. It's probably the same story with breast cancer; lethal biopsies? "Let me feel it! I can fix it!" I was told to go to the American Cancer Society today and ask for pictures of cancer. I can imagine, "You must have cancer! You better come with us!"
Even though every other poophead in this town seems to have a key to my apartment, they've been digging at my door like they were trying to jimmy the lock. As revealed by pill packets that I place in the door to detect entry, they have entered that place @ 500 times to throw chemicals etc. in the past year. Last night they filled the place with ethylene dibromide, something like that. Toxic as hell! Even though they've been bugging me nonstop for the past 11 years, they feel that they have to send a special Bush Nazi message like that; and they were even at it again this AM, 10/23.
PS to DC: Make W prove beyond a shadow of doubt that he ever graduated from any place. There is no way any school would pass someone who mangles the language like that. It is not anything other than his old man having fried his brain @ 55 years ago. Put an end to this teleprompting or wireless transmission (ear receiver?) of every single word that he says. I bet that you will find that he talks like a moron or worse all the time. Bush Daddy says tbat VP Cheney has been W's "voice", er, i.e. brains. Poopheads! Food for the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth! (Ez. 39:17) That's God's plan! Do you have a better use for them? 10/29 Bush Daddy says that having a dunce in the White House is proof that poopheads are in control. I bet W is functionally illiterate! 10/31 Have you proven that yet? Bush Daddy says that I was wrong to put Gigi, my wolf bred Bangor German Shepherd to sleep when false bite reports from the Bush Nazis in DC resulted in my having to put her on a leash. Put W on a leash and show his old man what a joke it is. Gigi led an impeccable life for @ 10 years. God doesn't make a better dog. On Gigi's last day I came out of the house to find two eagles circling the house; i.e. the ultimate tribute to any living being. 11/1 "Come on W, repeat some big words! Show us how Gad damn intelligent you are!"
Ref. Fools of Babylon 9/30 & Holy Smoke! Bobby Meade, which contains the two greatest creations of the English language.
Bobby Meade