Mathew Street Inquiry: The Coverup Continues
Subculture | 28.10.2007 21:43 | Culture | Liverpool
He wants to be 'completely happy' with the report before the city council finally leaks it to the media.
Current chief executive Colin CoverUp gave the authorisation for copies of the report to be shared with two Culture Company employees involved in the Mathew Street debacle.
The first was Chris 'do I look that' Green who was given a copy of the report a week before he mysteriously departed the Culture Company last Friday.
The second was Events officer Judith Feather who was brought in to try and save Mathew St after it was cancelled by the Harbarrowboy and Coverup.
Both were invited to make comments and observations about the contents of the report.
However CoverUp is still refusing to give a cop of the report to some councillors (the elected representatives of the people of Liverpool, eds) especially if they happen to be members of the Labour Party.
CoverUp has been ordered by Fireman Bradley to restrict circulation of the report, because he wants more time to make 'amendments' before it is leaked to the meeja.
The Fireman has now had the confidential report - which council taxpayers have funded - for more than two weeks to make his 'amendments' (well English never was his strong point, eds)
So, this is what has happened since Mathew St was cancelled, for the benefit of new readers:
* A city council report is comissioned into what happened over Mathew Street
* Colin Coverup, who is heavily implicated, refuses an independent inquiry
* Labour leader Joe Anderson is promised a copy of the council report by Coverup
* The Harbarrowboy goes AWOL back to his hacienda in Spain
* Fireman Bradley, who is also directly implicated in the debacle, stops the report going to Anderson after reading its contents
* Fireman Bradley begins making his own personal 'amendments' to the council report
* Chris Green, the Harbarrowboys deputy who is also heavily implicated, announces his shock resignation
* Green who has already quit and is serving his notice, is given a copy.
* Coverup continues to refuse to provide the report to Labour councillors.
So that's alright then. Perfectly proper and above board.