April 2008: call for decentralized squat days of action
black frog | 05.10.2007 11:00 | Culture | Free Spaces | Social Struggles
two days of demonstration, direct action, public information,
street-party, squatting… in defence of free spaces and for an
anti-capitalist popular culture.
1) Call for days of decentralized actions in defense of squatted &
autonomous spaces in Europe, April 2008;
2) Invitation to a preparation meeting in “Les Tanneries” (Dijon,
France), November 2007;
Call ——- >
« On Friday the 4th and Saturday the 5th of April 2008, we call for
two days of demonstration, direct action, public information,
street-party, squatting… in defence of free spaces and for an
anti-capitalist popular culture.
Through these two days, we want to help create more visibility of
autonomous spaces and squats as a european/global political movement.
We want to develop interconnections and solidarity between squats and
autonomous spaces. We want to keep linking our spaces with new people
and new struggles, and support the creation of autonomous spaces in
places where there has not been a history of this kind of action. We
want to build, step by step, our ability to overcome the wave of
repression falling on us.
We call for decentralised and autonomous actions of all kinds,
depending on what people feel to be the most appropriate to their
local context. You’ll find below the political content we wish to
give to these two days. »
The rest of the call can be read on
not a final text, but a way to introduce and discuss the project. It
was first proposed by a group of people involved with various autonomous
spaces around Europe. This summer, we travelled with it and introduced
it to various collectives. Given the present dynamic of resistance
around autonomous spaces in Europe, it seems that the word is spreading
quite quickly and enthousiastically.
preparation meeting
The success of this call now depends upon our capacity to create a
bigger international working group. The whole event will happen without
any “central commitee”, and will be made of a various autonomous
decentralised actions. Still, we think it is important to have a
physical meeting, in order to exchange ideas and strategies, discuss the
contents of the call, see how to create common information tools around
that project, how to connect and help the various local initiatives.
Thus, we’re calling for an international preparation & coordination
meeting on November 24th & 25th 2007, in the autonomous space “Les
Tanneries”, located in Dijon, France. It is a squatted social centre in
a post-industrial environment, occupied since 1998. Thanks to years of
struggle against the city council owning the buildings, the project has
reached a certain degree of stability. It hosts a collective house, a
gig room, a hacklab, a free shop, an infoshop, a collective garden, a
We hope that many of you will be able to join. Please tell us a bit in
advance if you’re planning to come, so that we get an idea of the number
of people we have to accomodate and plan food for. You’re very welcome
to pass this invitation to squats and autonomous spaces that you know.
The call can be downloaded as a flyer from
Furthermore, any help with translations in whatever languages is very
black frog