London mayoral publicity - genuine candidates must SAY NO to Crossrail
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot scam scheme project Bill | 10.09.2007 16:33 | London
Boris Johnson today [Monday 10 September 2007] and from now on should Say No to Crossrail hole plot backer Ken Livingstone and spare London 20 Millennium Dome wastes
More people in London are in poverty, bad housing, and no housing and in other social exclusion problems.
Add them up and you will get more than two million Londoners exweo0ernding hard time one way or the other.
That is a moderate estimate. The actual the numbers can be verified to a reasonable approximation of the true state by relying on even the official data released by the local councils themselves across London.
The issue of decreasing civil liberty [there never has existed a fair level of civil liberty in London] is as important.
But are we about to witness any one really addressing these from the BBC and other media and publicly-funded platforms they bare being given as potential Canaanites to become the next mayor of London?
The answer is NO.
One example will suffice.
Instead of demanding to see the evidence - and instead of insisting that MPs are able and willing to demand evidence of any substantiation of the project to justify the City of London call for public money to be wasted on Crossrail, almost all the parties are lining up to echo Big Business.
Looks like there is huge lobby by Big Business at play insetting the agenda of the mainstream pares and their candidates.
Boris Johnson today [Monday 10 September 2007] and from now on should Say No to Crossrail hole plot backer Ken Livingstone and spare London 20 Millennium Dome wastes
It is not true that Crossrail will solve the4 problems of public transport in Lo0ndon.
A much better alternative has been made available to Gordon Brown.
Boris Johnson must not imitate Livingstone He must show courage and honesty by challenging the Crossrail hole plot backers to show evidence to justify the plugs.
The UK public cannot afford to waste even £1 Billion, let alone many £Billions.
The main promoters are construction multinationals and conglomerates and private profiteering operations and firms that are only intent on pocketing huge sums of public money under cover of Crossrail
They have never supported public transport. the reason why they and their agents unleashed by their colluders in the City of London clamour for public funding for the seriously flawed Crossrail is because it is a private project. The Crossrail project is NOT a public transport project. There are far too many deviations, diversions and dressings attached to Crossrail hole plan as it is in the current 'Crossrail Bill' in the House of Commons. The parliamentary 'scrutiny' of the Bill has been a right mockery of the word and the concept of scrutiny...
Boris Johnson - or any Tory or any other [party linked or non-party] candidate for mayor at the scheduled May 2008 election to the post of mayor of London - should demand the going back to the drawing board and show the intellectual competence and the democratic courage to demand democratic process to be applied in planning any solution at costs to the public, to the transport needs in and of London.
Whoever has been hoodwinked into chanting the ‘Crossrail is vital for London’ [or permutations thereof] needs to know that the substance of the 'London economy' is not realized by collating slogans and then displaying them at opportunistic moments. Ken Livingstone has been abusing the lack of intellectual rigour shown by the so-called opposition to the Blaired party to replace democratic accountability with corrupting and wasteful anti-social clichés and slogans that he [Livingstone] has promoted on all key issues.
It is his career. It is his capital. It is his agenda. It is his real manifesto. To boots his own image and his ego.
Boris Johnson should show in action that he is not an imitator rather that he is a city community leader who wants and will be able to deliver accountability honesty and fairness.
Crossrail is a crass and flawed case. It is lost on every key criterion.
Boris Johnson should also widen his horizon as should any other candidate for the same office in the name of the people of London.
Focus on the needs and the abilities and the potentials as human beings and the rights of the people of London.. Focus on poverty. On City-created social apartheid in London,. Address these.
There will be the real revolution.
Not in sucking up to Big Business and in creating subterranean contamination and toxicity and bad health…
Not by attacking both the East End people already pushed into added poverty, social exclusions and now additional environmental destruction and dislocation.
Not by attacking the residents of Mayfair who have pointed out, as Khodoeelaar! Has done for more than 3 years and 8 months, that there has been no due process in the promotion of the Crossrail… scam through the UK Houses of Parliament....That there has been no right given to people with serious evidence of fundamental Crossrail flaws to present the evidence to the Select Committee, that the persistent plugs for Crossrail has come from Big Business and from Big outfits with whom ordinary people cannot compete for the resources needed to sustain any campaign...
Can Boris Johnson answer these questions and address these issues rather than waste time on imitating and trying to come across as the ego-manioc Livingstone along with his baggage of corrupting and pathetic propaganda?
Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot scam scheme project Bill