Chair of SKY-Satellite, Bangladeshi-audience tv outlet Channel S resigns! -1
AADHIKARonline, London UK | 31.08.2007 14:58 | Social Struggles | London
But the very facts that even there are reports that the resignation has taken place is significant are significant.
The reports come in the wake of several attempts by members of the UK Bangladeshi community to get the official UK broadcasting regulator OFCOM to investigate the channel.
The latest attempt has been linked with the contents and the role of the station in relation to the operatives who stole the money from thousands of Bangladeshis. One key element involved in the robbery of the Bangladeshis has been linked with the chair of the Channel S.
He has denied the allegations. But the reports of his resignation have been quickly linked with his alleged involvement as a controlling influence in the money transfer operation referred to as 'First Solution...'
When I spoke to the “Channel S Chair” on 17 January 2006, [over 17 mionths ago now] I asked him about the advisability of employing as key figures in Channel S or giving Channel S platforms to certain elements that have now [17 months AFTER I gave my warnings of disastrous consequences of employing those elements] been exposed as having masterminded the robbery of the money from so many Bangladeshis in the UK.
I shall be publishing the response from the Channel S chair as given to me on 17 January 2006 and provide the context and analsuyis of the Channel in the life of the Bangladeshi community in the UK.
AADHIKARonline, London UK