Videos - European Greens in Coalition Governments
Mike Feinstein, Green Party of California | 14.08.2007 07:01
face/have faced in coalition government, and these videos capture his presentations.
Videos - European Greens in Coalition Governments
1) European Green Party Secretary General Juan Behrend presents a tour
de force explanation of the challenges and opportunities European Greens
face/have faced in coalition government in Belgium, Czech Republic,
Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia and elsewhere; includes
discussion of military intervention and non-violence. Presented at
informal meeting of Greens in New York City. July 16th, 2007
2) European Green Secretary General Juan Behrend speaks about Green
energy policy and the challenges and opportunities European Greens
face/have faced in coalition government. Presented at the International
Green Panel presentation, at the Green Party of the United States annual
national meeting. Reading, Pennsylvania. June 13th, 2007
3) European Green Secretary General Juan Behrend speaks about
the need for a strong Green Party in the US. 2007 annual meeting of the
Green Party of the United States. Reading, Pennsylvania. July 14th, 2007.
Mike Feinstein, Green Party of California
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