GOOD NEWS - Britain seeks release of British residents in Guantanamo!!!
London Guantánamo Campaign | 07.08.2007 09:52
More details at:

Please note that it took just over a year for Bisher El-Rawi to be returned to the UK and Ahmed Belbacha who is still facing being returned to Algeria is not included on this list. Please watch this space for further information.
Thank you to everyone who has been campaigning for the release of the British residents in Guantanamo.
London Guantánamo Campaign
London Guantánamo Campaign
Amnesty International press release
07.08.2007 10:29
The Foreign Secretary and the Home Secretary have decided to request the release from Guantanamo Bay and return to the UK of five men who, whilst not UK Nationals, were legally resident here prior to their detention. The Foreign Secretary has written today to US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to formally make this request.
The Government welcomes recent steps taken by the US Government to reduce the numbers of those detained at Guantanamo Bay and to move towards the closure of the detention facility. These steps include an increasing emphasis on engagement with third countries over the transfer and resettlement of those detained.
The Foreign Secretary and Home Secretary have reviewed the Government’s approach to this group of individuals in light of these ongoing developments, our long-held policy aim of securing the closure of Guantanamo Bay, and the need to maintain national security. They
have decided to request the release and return of the five detainees who have links to the UK as former residents, having been granted refugee status, indefinite leave or exceptional leave to remain prior to their detention: Mr Shaker Aamer, Mr Jamil El Banna, Mr Omar Deghayes, Mr Binyam Mohamed and Mr Abdennour Sameur. Our representations are limited to those with links to the United Kingdom as evidenced by their past lawful residence here.
Discussions with the US Government about the release and return of these five men may take some time. The Government will of course continue to take all necessary measures to maintain national security. Should these men be returned to the UK, the same security considerations and actions will apply to them as would apply to any other foreign national in this country.
Notes for Editors
By January 2005, the Government had secured the release and return of all the UK nationals detained in Guantanamo Bay. But we have not, so far, requested the release and return of this group of individuals. The Government's decision not to do so was upheld by High Court and Court of Appeal rulings last year.
The Courts accepted our judgement that requesting the return of individuals who were not British nationals would have been ineffective: the US had made clear that they did not intend to negotiate with third countries regarding non-nationals. We judged that it would also have been counter-productive, at that time, to our wider aim of securing closure of the detention facility. As set out above, the situation has now changed and the Foreign Secretary and Home Secretary have reviewed the Government’s approach in light of these circumstances.
FCO Press Office: 020 7008 3100
London Guantánamo Campaign
Lib Dem press release
07.08.2007 10:32
Liberal Democrats
Contact: Sean Kemp - 020 7227 1240
Embargo: Immediate, Tuesday 7th August 2007
Sarah Teather, the Liberal Democrat MP who has campaigned for her constituent Jamil el-Banna to be released from Guantanamo Bay, today welcomed the news that he is among five people the Government has requested be released from the camp.
Commenting, Sarah Teather, who is also Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Guantanamo Bay, said:
“This is fantastic news and a tremendous relief for Jamil’s family here in London. Jamil’s youngest daughter will be meeting her dad for the first time. They have shown incredible bravery, strength and determination.
“This decision should have been taken years ago. Abandoning British residents to indefinite imprisonment in obscene conditions was a gross dereliction of duty by the Government.
“Guantanamo Bay is an insult to democracy and a violation of the principles the war on terror purports to defend. Many questions remain over the Government’s complicity in the abduction and imprisonment of Jamil.
“But today is a time for celebration that, for these British residents and their families, the horror of Guantanamo is now almost over.”
Liberal Democrat Leader Menzies Campbell added:
“This is a belated recognition of our moral responsibility towards these men.
“Up to now the Government’s attitude has been supine in the face of systematic violation of all known legal principles.
“It has been left to opposition MPs to make the case for their return to the UK.”
London Guantánamo Campaign
re: amnesty international
07.08.2007 23:28
So we should all support the continued detention of individuals detained without charge or trial in the UK instead of Guantanamo Bay, and congratulate the Government? Thanks to "Amnesty" for pointing that out!!! Perhaps Belmarsh has some free cells that need to be filled (or maybe house arrest is to be used)!
Brian B
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