Unfair Exclusion of Da*** Ro** from Climate Camp
Da*** Ro*** | 05.08.2007 12:44 | Climate Camp 2006 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Social Struggles
He wants to go to the Camp! Why excluded him? He is 'no threat to anyone at the Camp' (Anna Jackson)
Date: 2 Aug 2007 12:39
Subject: Hello
To: d**vid****bris** l@googlemail.com
Hi D**vid ****,
I just want to say that I personally feel pretty uncomfortable with this whole situation and some of the ways that it has been dealt with by various people involved.
I had personal reservations at the time about the letter we originally sent you (signed by process and tranquility ie me and ra***) and still do. I still don't know if it was the right thing to do or not and I do think that you and ****** should speak.
All the best
Da*** Ro***