AIPAC block aid
Ahmed Suleiman | 19.07.2007 20:57
Ahmed and Omar
The AIPAC has managed to get $2.4 billion in aid for Israel from Congress for this year alone but also has a veto over who should get any other aid from America.
This veto resulted in the freeze of aid to Egypt but which was put down to some alleged weapons smuggling into the Gaza Strip.
About one month ago, the House of Representatives approved its foreign aid bill, which stipulated that $1.1 billion in military aid would be transferred to Egypt.
"Hamas has jumped light years in its capabilities since Israel withdrew from Gaza two years ago," an Israeli official said. "Now that Hamas controls Gaza, it has got a massive stockpile of WMD (ready for use in 45 minutes) and are working on a nuclear ballistic missile just like Saddam was," he continued.
Time to invade again before thay launch an atomic weapon against New York on top of one of their home made qassams rockets, I think.
Ahmed Suleiman