Manchester NO2ID Film Nights
Dave Page | 15.07.2007 11:29 | Social Struggles | Technology
Manchester NO2ID Logo
Manchester No2ID will be sponsoring a special movie night of distopian
thriller "V for Vendetta" at the FAB Cafe on Portland Street.
We'll be on hand before and after the movie to answer any questions
you may have about National ID Cards, and you can sign our petition or
pick up a leaflet. Or just ignore us and enjoy the movie, cheap booze
and great atmosphere of the FAB.
Friday 27th July: Taking Liberties Premiere
We will be flyering and taking petition signatures at the Cornerhouse
Cinema, Oxford Road at the Manchester premiere of the new film Taking
We will aim to flyer the 6:15pm showing, and both flyer and attend the
8:30pm showing.
Thursday 2nd August: Taking Liberties Introduced Screening
Dave Page from Manchester NO2ID will be introducing the documentary
Taking Liberties at the Cornerhouse Cinema and holding a Q&A session
in the upstairs bar afterwards.
Dave Page