The State of the 'Criminal' Justice System
Mikey Franklin | 10.07.2007 15:38 | Anti-militarism | Terror War | London
It was just a meeting of Disarm DSEI, but as usual the FIT harrassment teams had turned up, and two of us weren't having it. We went outside, with our faces partially obscured by scarves, and held signs in front of the cameras to help people get into the meeting unnoticed. Though I daresay it annoyed the police, they gave me no warning until some 15 minutes later, when I was suddenly dragged away by two enormous police, who hit me on the arms and handcuffed me behind me back.
Even after I told them my age (fourteen) they still refused to change my handcuffs round.
Next you hold me, alone, for nearly 10 hours, and give me nothing to do.
Despite asking repeatedly for something to read, and something to eat, it took 5 hours to get something to eat, and I didn't get anything to read.
Next you can't make your mind up.
I was arrested for 'obstruction,' processed for Section 4 of the Public Order Act, and charged (some month and a half and two seperate station visits later) with obstruction.
To add to this, you try to add jumped up charges.
When I finally was charged, jumping bail was added on. Nobody told me I was supposed to attend, but I guess it seems convenient to add on extra charges.
(Thankfully, we managed to argue this charge off)
To cap it all, you take away my representation.
This morning I received a letter informing me I no longer had a right to legal aid. Apparently, my defence is not in 'The Interests of Justice.'
Quite how, at 14, with no legal experience, and no previous court charges, I am supposed to prepare a defence, I have no idea.
It would seem the police want me to have no knowledge of my rights, and no chance to prepare a proper defence. I am being pushed into a corner, a corner with no way out but a guilty plea.
I remember reading a story about an Iraqi delegation coming to London to observe our criminal justice system first hand, and then reporting back to Iraq.
Is the Justice System in Britain really one to emulate any longer?
Mikey Franklin
Mikey Franklin