New Anarchist Media: Anarchism
RebelMouse | 10.07.2007 15:18
This Site has english and serbocroatian language section, although my english language is not perfect. Visitors can change templates, to give comments on news, to eliminate alone their registration, to send their news and texts, to make google translation from english to other languages. If visitors use Internet Explorer, design will be little disturbed (buttons will be little out or inside of their frames), but such problems don’t exist with Firefox.
Site start with work thiese days, because design and news are ready. Texts will be included later, during the time. English section of texts will contain works of less known anarchists because works of well-known are already everywhere on internet. Serbocroatian section of texts will contain works of less known and works of well-known anarchists because there is not so much of it in this language. It would be good that people without high education write and send their opinion in order to publish it. In that way would be decreased elitisation of movement. Texts which propagate pro-state, capitalist and primitivist standpoints will not be published in this media, as it is written in editorial policy. So it is without sense to send such material to the editor of this Site. Critics of anarchist and anarchist movement are wellcomed, but not critics of anarchism as idea about society.
Enjoy... (choose english)