the bad old days are back again
Supporter of | 09.07.2007 15:29
This standard answer for all moderation and editorial guidelines questions has been an easy way to get rid of those posters who question the unelected admins and their iron control of the newswire. Most people don't know where the "lists" are and when they do get there they often found it hard to use.
An example of this has been . He has been setting up Indymedia Cymru in Wales but with a policy to have an editorial policy based on the views of the users and contributors. This has not gone down well with the IMC UK elite who don't like to see their views questioned. The answer below from IMC Moderator is a perfect example of why the site needs a major overhall.
A brief precis for those who can't be bothered to read the whole thing,
"Don't question us - Fuck off"
This list is meant to be for proposals and discussion by IMC UK
moderators about features and newswire admin. You are not part of any
IMC-UK collective, you are not an IMC UK moderator and you are not
proposing features so why are you here?
You make no constructive input and have repeatedly been told to fuck
off by those you annoy. You've told us you don't support the
statement of principles by which we work and you clearly don't even
support the 'ineffectual konformists' (as you put it) who supply the
content and subject mater for the site.
So, why are you here? Are you waiting around to be banned from the
list in order that you can spout yet more nonsense about indymedia
being infiltrated and run by spooks?
Your posts are nothing but disruption. You even had the cheek to post
disruptive lies and disinformation about IMC UK on your little
misnamed blog 'indycymru'.
So, why are you here and why shouldn't those who do actually care
about the indymedia project, and do the actual work of running it,
simply demand that you desist from posting your unwanted shit to
these lists?
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