Anti-Fascists Picket Northern BNP Meeting
Northern Anti-fascist | 07.07.2007 14:49 | Anti-racism
Although information regarding the meet up was recieved late, around 20 anti-fascist's turned out to tell the BNP that they aren't welcome in Cumbria (or anywhere for that matter....).
Local houses were leafleted, arguments put across with positive response, and we even got around 10 local kids to start a chant of 'fight for yer right, the bnp are sh*te', the slimy nationalists didnt look to pleased with that..... neither with the odd shout of 'scum' shouted in their faces...
All in all, a rather embarrassing night for the BNP.
The fash scum aren't welcome anywhere, lets make sure they know that.
Northern Anti-fascist
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