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Secrets CANNOT be kept forever...

George Hewes XXiii | 25.06.2007 16:19 | Education | Repression | Terror War

Here's a preview of a poster that might be useful for local groups to put up around their neighborhood...

9/11 Poster
9/11 Poster

The film 911 Mysteries : Demolition focusses entirely on the discrepancies between the official conspiracy theory and fact on the ground. This poster highlights a key piece of evidence that thermite/thermate was used to demolish all three imploded buildings on that horrid day, a day that has perverted the evolution of mankind for 6 years now - it is time for this to stop.

A 16" x 22" poster sized .jpg image can be obtained via

Please post widely out in the real world - in elevators, newsvendors (Daily Wail / Washington Post supplements? :), community centers, town halls...

George Hewes XXiii


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26.06.2007 11:39

looks like it was oxy acetylened on the ground to me. but hey, why believe a rational scientific explanation when you can make up a fantastically complex scientifically impossible one instead?


Welder? I don't think so...

26.06.2007 12:53

This one crops up over and over again but as a real demolition welder would ask you straight away:-

How come there's so much slag ON THE OUTSIDE?

How come there's two corners he didn't cut yet are clearly sheered?

How come he wasted time in a dangerous situation cutting far more metal than he needed, to have the section removed by a crane supporting the wreckage?

Besides, this still image is attributed to the afternoon of the 11th, before the smoking gun that was the Saloman building, WTC7, came down?

I find it odd that so many otherwise intelligent sounding commenters have no wish to see this appalling episode properly examined by an international board of justices.

Of course this is only one facet of the discrepencies; there are other 'cut' columns, one of which was examined professionally and found to contain unusually large amounts of sulphur - the signature of military-grade thermate, not torch slag.

Bon Chance

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Tsk Tsk Welder

27.06.2007 02:22

It was obviously a conspriracy led by the illuminated elder or mu and their zionist puppets.
After all
26+09+15+14=64 6?4=10 and



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