Incinerator Expansion - exhibition about Eastcroft
NAIL - Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill | 15.06.2007 17:11 | Climate Chaos | Repression
Yes, I know this might sound a bit familiar (2005 anyone?), but after withdrawing from an Appeal process they obviously know they couldn't win, WRG really have now submitted yet another application to expand Eastcroft and burn an extra 100,000 tonnes of rubbish in the city. This is the SAME application as before - you might remember the one that was unanimously rejected by the Council in 2006, backed by thousands of people, local and beyond. Oh, only this time they propose to change the colour of the chimney. Well in that case, I feel loads better about it now, don't you?
There are 2 dates - next Monday (18th) from 4-8pm and Tuesday (19th) from 1-8pm @ the Don Massen suite, Notts County Ground, Meadow Lane. The first date is for 'stakeholders' only. To me, that sounds like the public, except that WRG don't see us as stakeholders (even though it's our rubbish they burn, and our tax that foots the bill) so the public have to go on Tuesday. Still, at least we get an invite huh?
NAIL (Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill) will be there to represent the resident 'stakeholders' on both days, and I hope you will be too.
WRG's application was rejected becasue the public voted against it. The regeneration plans for the city were another reason, and it this that WRG think changing aesthetics will 'paint' over (forgive the pun). Take an hour to visit the exhibition if you can, and while you're there talk to WRG about some of your fears and concerns about the plans - this is normally a lip-service exercise it will be very interesting to see how they cope.
I might have been more impressed if they had at least tried to change the plans for the better, and propose real innovative ideas for making the existing facility we are stuck with for 30 more years cleaner and better run, rather than the insult this 'new application' really is.
No means No means No. It still means No a year on, and it will continue to mean No if you back the campaign with us. WWW.NAIL.UK.NET
See you there!
NAIL - Nottingham Against Incineration and Landfill