no c/dc directly linked to drugs everywhere
tomy zenderz | 04.06.2007 21:20 | Terror War | London
ave are in many ways responsible for the
fact that many of our neighborhoods are
filled with drugs.
the most illegal bush of all
entire hemisphere to recieve us
aid is columbia, correct the
district of columbia which resides
in no state in the entired usa
sends cash out the ass to columbia
despite and during this very same
period in history columbian fields
that once produced good budz now
produce all the cocoa for cocain
that screws up all of our childrens
also the fact that are economy leaves
so many desperate increases the chances
that many of our children might use drugs
to attempt to lighten their presures and
burdens increasing the odds they could
get addicted and end up resorting to crime
as a means of survival. many elders and
terminally ill citizens are also tempted
to sell their medicines when faced with
out of control bills with this right wing
to pillage governmen we have in office.
also all the poppy "us ed" to create the
worlds hero in is coming from afganistan
which is also under control of us
millionaries. if we cannot put an end to
this produce it will turn us into a
vegtable nation we should request the
2 things be stopped for the sake of the
future restoration of our democracy, for
the sake of our children.
many of our children are enslaved to
drugs or imprisoned and now work as
slaves to corperations that pay them
only change per day for their
production of many different products.
also the fact that many parents in the
us are actually paid to put their
children on medication is an outrage.
we are constantly bombarded with
commercials on tv radio papers walls
and everywhere else telling us there
is a drug to fix anything and everything.
also tb is more of a threat to us then
muslims. this is a war we could fight
and win overseas but if it reaches are
borders we could pay a price higher then
we may imagine. now if our governmen
want to protect us deal with these
problems, before they penetrate are
borders and bloodstreams.
and until the blind in no c/dc can see
and understand the meanings of words
like plutocracy and democracy they deny
the powers to the people to solve their
own problems and give all the power to
corps oranation of criminals that inturn
enslave us we are bought and sold run
and owned like any other commodity.
we are denied the right to retain our
democracy while corps are permitted
to poison and kill us with the many
poisons the manufacture, tobacco is
1 example, look how many poisons are
added to that alone. they are probably
more dangerous that the tobacco itself.
and they defenatly make it harder for
every smoker to quit smoking too.
now if we cannot even stop the plants
from those 2 tiny countries from coming
here and destroying our lives how can
we stop deperate people from lashing
out at us, we are the reasons for many
of their problems as well are we knot?
pro life should be also for the born
not just the unborn. and if we have
no right to kill are own why should
we have the right to kill someone
elses child? especially in their
own neighborhood.
seems we have enough work to doo at
home and if our white houses were in
order maybe we could offer the world
something better then what we give
them now. and the fact that every
corps irratation is allowed to put
unsafe drugs in us but we are not
allowed to even put weed in are owned
by the state bodies is a total outrage
and this is the war we americans must
fight and win. the enemies operate in
our borders undetected by our mindz
controled by gonernmenz. xample: our
media always shows us what their bombs
do to their people never what are bombs
do to their people. one sided slanted
controled and manipulated information
is bad food and confusion for are own
people, they poison us in spirit and
lead our souls astray.
lets look at iraq for a minute under us
occupied text books history erased and
manipulated, constitution replaced with
invader friendly falseified doctored.
alcohol plentiful and a new reality so
bad the soldiers have to take drugs to
cope with their jobs, now you have guys
with guns on drugs and the whole entired
population could use something to help
them cope with this so called new reality
we are takeing over their resourses. lets
face it we are not spreading democracy no
one in no c/dc even knows what that really
is we are spreading capitalism and all the
money we send into other countries is used
to disrupt their way of life not to help
ease their hardships. we do not solve the
worlds problems we have idiots running dc
and when they make mistakes the whole wheat
world pays, the main thing made today in
amerikkkkka is weapons to kill and soldiers
that will use them. we talk of others
sacrafice as suicide but ask our kids to
sacrafice their own lives for our lame
leaderzzz mistakes. hames was voted into
power demopractically and we cut them off
we know want democrazyies in the middle e?
if your children join the millionary's
will they need drugs daily 69 they return?
has your drug needs and costs risin as a
result of your u know who going to oi1rack?
has your teacher requested you consider
medicating your children to make them more
ru1y? do they medicate the citizens that
are inprizoned for doo doo ing drugzz?
why too many bad drugs anna knot enough
good onez??? money!!!!
tomy zenderz anu bi de gyme zender
tomy zenderz