Feral Children
Moleszy | 25.05.2007 23:51
After world war two was the second time.Children were living without parents and running amok in many city's,they were called"Feral".often in many daily papers.As a "Feral child problem".Children of either Fatherless families or no parents at all.This was the second time the state took away the rights of the family.
Today we have the third time.Though there has been no loss of parents by death through wars in a dramitic scale.Through drugs and drink there has become a similar situation.Parents are ,either gone,or too incapacitated to be considered there.Also chidren are now classed as children at a much earlier age,21 to 18,now considered to be 16.A rate of maturity forced on them by society.They too from young ages are now taking strong drugs and being involved in adult activities,including murder.They are considered feral in the definition.The recent shooting,using weapons such as Mach 10 machine guns was the deciding factor to the previous report.When children are able to kill each other with weapons not available to most watched crimminals "it is time to do the strong thing".Regardless of being named a nanny state."It is nothing new.It is a case of history repeating itself.The world turning and turning again".
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