i am a ufo and this is my attempt to boot
mark | 24.05.2007 18:44
sf---two nyork----------------new yourk----------------------------------------------------------sanfran----------------------------------------------------------one long pipe leeds to a road leeds mankind our of forest-----jane gooldall notice all the sid bad points and popualtions stuff--------------------------------------------------fill the mouth of pipe water----------------rain and umbrella---------------------yawwwwwwwwwt---------wayyyyyyyy--------------------------yea--wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy---------------------------find the road ---------king david--------------------in american tv today maury povich lord of his own relm has tied a little girl u on tv 4 entertaiment of teh peoples----------------tie cord around the devil---------------also in gaze today-------------------i rember he region bush tried to tie all he woman up a gunpoint and force them to give birth----------------region fo bush------------------tie the cord round---------teh devil----------------micke jackson------------abc-----------------------------sick---he is mike or he is sick----------------the finger belongs in he bellybutton and not the butockkkkkkkkkkkk----------------natural phenmea---------------------------------man woman child have fourth horse man effect-----------moses abc---natural pehmena