Support Remploy Workers!
greenman | 22.05.2007 19:15 | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | London
Show your disgust for the Remploy Closure Plans demonstrate with us at the TUC disability conference from 10-00am on Wednesday 23rd of May - TUC,
Great Russell Street, London.
The social model of disability is supposed to be about empowering disabled people and them having a say. It is disgusting that various charities and voluntary organisations are backing this move without referring to the Remploy workers themselves or their unions. Another example of idealistic socially liberal/progressive models being used to justify neo-liberal cuts and draconian labour market discipline.
Is Remploy a brilliant employer? No. Is being pushed into the "new-improved" welfare arrangements or into inferior employment better? Certainly not. A struggle to improve Remploy can only occur if you still work for them!
Show your solidarity with the Remploy workers.