Independent Film Still Making Waves Worldwide
Debbie Lewis | 16.05.2007 14:52 | Iraq | Other Press | Terror War
This groundbreaking documentary, “911 In Plane Site,” asks some rather ominous questions as to what really happened to those planes and buildings. Wanting to provide evidence and no speculation, this film points out many anomalies and asks many questions as the analysis unfolds. Inquiries ranging from “did a plane hit the Pentagon” to “did explosives collapse the WTC?” While these inquests seem cut and dried, the videos and photographs tell a different story.
Attacked before the film was even released, producers Dave vonKleist and William Lewis stood their ground, and others began weighing in with their arguments. Today, there are many fine documentaries, books, peer-reviewed papers, and articles, even celebrities speaking out on the inconsistencies of the “official 911 story.” Recently, Bill O’Reilly and others have taken stabs at celebrities Charlie Sheen and Rosie O’Donnell, but they, like others speaking out, are standing their ground, and causing a groundswell of others to start taking notice.
With “911 In Plane Site” being shown on mainstream broadcasts in Italy, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, on the independent US news program Out There Television, and being promoted by international distributors such as Namaste Magazine in the UK, and, in Italian, by Nexus Italy, many people world wide are seeing the inconsistencies, and voicing their opposition to the “official 911 story.” BridgeStone Media Group and Power Hour Productions invite you to read about these inconsistencies (
Debbie Lewis
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