Call to Action for a Day in Solidarity with Starbucks Workers 17 May
UK Wobbly | 10.05.2007 08:14
independent voice on the job.
To silence worker voices, Starbucks has disgracefully terminated eight SWU baristas in retaliation for their union activity. The SWU has prevailed against Starbucks to reinstate two of the members but six remain out of a job. Despite multiple Labor Board complaints, the coffee giant continues to punish baristas for discussing the union and relentlessly forces union-busting propaganda down workers throats. Starbucks must understand that working people of conscience will not allow this affront to the dignity of our class.
On May 17, commemorate the third anniversary of the SWU and stand in solidarity with baristas and coffee farmers with actions in your local community. 1) Hold a spirited protest against Starbucks union-busting, 2) reach out to baristas with a message of support, 3) organize a fundraiser, or 4) choose a different solidarity action. Whatever you do,
you'll be part of a global effort challenging the neoliberal logic that places profits over people.
Starbucks workers are struggling not just for ourselves and our families but for every worker at the big brands who are looking for a collective voice and a better life. Join us.
Let us know about actions you are organizing by sending an e-mail to

Together We Win.
IWW Starbucks Workers Union
Daniel Gross
UK Wobbly