bob the barman | 03.05.2007 22:45
STP Information
From PIHKAL by Alexander T. Shulgin
DOM, unbeknownst to me, was scattered widely and plentifully in the heyday of the Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco, in mid-1967. It was distributed under the street name STP, which was said to stand for Serenity, Tranquility, and Peace.
It was also claimed to represent Super Terrific Psychedelic, or Stop The Police. The police called it: too Stupid To Puke. Actually, the name was taken from the initials of a motor additive which was completely unrelated chemically.
Incredibly, and sadly, one of the avowed experts in the area of the sensuous drugs actually stated that STP, the motor oil additive, was really one and the same as STP, the highly dangerous psychedelic. The motor oil additive, he wrote in a book of his, had properties somewhat related to those of LSD, mescaline, and the amphetamines.
How fortunate that the love children of the time didn't do much reading, for they might have gotten into yet deeper pharmacological troubles with drug raids on the local gasoline stations.
Two complications became apparent during this first appearance and they led to serious difficulties. One, there was no equation made between STP and DOM. No one knew what this drug was which had been distributed in a cavalier way throughout the city.
There could be no educated guess as to the best treatment of overdose emergencies. And secondly, the initial tablets that had been distributed apparently contained 20 milligrams of DOM per tablet; later, it was dropped to 10 milligrams.
Either of these, in retrospect, is now known to be a thoroughly whopping dose (3 milligrams will produce a good high, 10 milligrams will allow you to take your brain out of you head an examine it).
The overdose situation was aggravated by the slow onset of DOM (it may take three or more hours to feel the FULL effects).
The user may be aware of some initial effects at the half hour point, there will be what might be called a + or ++ at the end of the first hour, and the full impact of the drug is not appreciated until some two hours have elapsed.
But many of the recipients of the free handouts of DOM were familiar with LSD which can show its alert in 15 to 20 minutes, or even sooner with a large dose, and there is already a deep and compelling intoxication felt at the half-hour point.
They, quite reasonably, expected this familiar activity pattern with STP and assumed, when there was little if any activity noted at the half-hour point, that the potency was less than expected.
They took one or even two additional dosage units. Thus, some of the overdose victims of that period may well have taken as much as 30 mg of DOM. The slow onset of action, coupled with the remarkably long duration, caught many innocent users unprepared.
Clinical studies have documented the rapid tolerance development from repeated exposures to DOM. Five volunteers were given 6 milligrams daily for three days. Objectively, psychological tests showed a decrease in responses.
Subjectively, all found extremely intense effects on the first day, and all but one found it unpleasant. By the third exposure on the third day, all had diminished responses, ranging from only moderately strong to felt absolutely nothing. One actually slept during the experience on the third day.
The hexadeutero-analogue (deuterium atoms on the two methoxyl groups) has been prepared as an internal standard for analytical work, but there are no reports of its human pharmacology.
A study with this sort of derivative would be a fine companion to the studies already underway with the mescaline analogues that are similarly substituted.
However a difference exists. With mescaline, it is believed that the loss of a methoxyl group is a step towards the inactivation of the compound, whereas with DOM this loss may be associated with the formation of an active metabolite.
The several fascinating questions raised by possible differences in both the ef3 rates and the degree of demethylation of these two compounds are well worth trying to answer.
A number of compounds related to DOM had been synthesized and studied at the University of California at San Francisco, at about this time. Two of these were simply the juggling of the two methoxyl groups and the methyl group on the ring, still maintaining the 2,4,5-ness relative to the amphetamine chain.
These are 2,4-dimethoxy-5-methylamphetamine and 4,5-dimethoxy-2-methylamphetamine. Since the slang name for DOM in and about the medical center was STP, and since STP was the name of a motor oil additive, it is not unreasonable that the first of these to be synthesized, the 2,4-dimethoxy-5-methyl isomer, was referred to by the name of another motor oil additive popular at that time, F-310.
The Vilsmeier reaction between 2,4-dimethoxytoluene and the Vilsmeier complex of POCl3 and N-methylformanilide gave the benzaldehyde (mp 117-118 degrees C) with a yellow malononitrile derivative from EtOH with a mp of 193-194 degrees C.
The nitrostyrene from this and nitroethane formed yellow crystals from CH3CN, with a mp 138-139 degrees C. The amine formed easily with LAH in ether, and the product F-310 (or 5-DOM) gave white crystals from CH3CN with a mp of 182-183 degrees C.
And the other isomer, the 4,5-dimethoxy-2-methyl counterpart, became known familiarly as F-320, or sometimes simply 2-DOM. Its preparation followed an identical procedure, starting from 3,4-dimethoxytoluene.
I have been told that F-310 is not active even at 20 milligrams in man, which would make it several times less potent than DOM (STP).
I know of no trials with F-320. The use of the letter RFS does not imply any relationship between these two compounds and the series described elsewhere with the RFS code followed by other numbers, such as F-2 and F-22. These latter are F's because they are furans, not motor oil additives.
And yet another oil additive, well known at the time as Z-7, became associated with the synthesis of the DOM (STP) isomer with its groups in the 2,4,6-positions. This is entered separately under gamma-DOM.
bob the barman