PCS strike kicks off Sheffield Mayday action
Public Sector strike stalwart | 01.05.2007 16:03 | Mayday 2007 | Workers' Movements | Sheffield
Notably none of the candidates for the local elections for the three main (identical) parties in the forthcoming Council elections took up the invite from the Sheffield Trades Council to speak at the event, demonstrating that not only do their policies not represent the working class, but their own candidates do not feel able to defend their policies.
Full support was given from the Green party and RESPECT, with the Socialist party candidate unable to return from his own picket line in time to offer his support in person.
Overall, a successful start to Mayday which demonstrated an urgent need to bring back real political representation to the people who deserve properly resourced public services, and time for the all the Trade Union leaders to stop stuffing their members money into the pockets of Labour’s big business cronies and follow the lead set by those like the PCS and leading a fight back of the working class, starting with a call for a general strike across every part of the public sector to demand an end to the systematic destruction of the Welfare state.
Public Sector strike stalwart