low energy light bulb concerns grow:
Health Issue Alert! : | 27.04.2007 15:40 | Health
Compact fluorescent (energy saving ) light bulbs and mercury :
Mercury is an essential, irreplaceable element in compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) which allows the bulb to be an efficient light source.
Each bulb contains a small amount — an average of four milligrams — of mercury sealed within the glass tubing, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). By comparison, older home thermometers contain 500 milligrams of mercury, while many manual thermostats contain up to 3,000 milligrams.
Despite the small amounts of mercury present in the bulbs, however, the EPA recommends handling the bulbs with care. Exposure to mercury, a toxic metal, can affect our brain, spinal cord, kidneys and liver, causing symptoms such as trembling hands, memory loss and difficulty moving.
If you break a CFL, clean it up safely and dispose of it properly, says the EPA. If a CFL breaks in your home, open nearby windows to disperse any vapor that may escape, carefully sweep up the fragments (do not use your hands) and wipe the area with a disposable paper towel to remove all glass fragments (do not use a vacuum).
Place all fragments in a sealed plastic bag place and dispose the same way you would batteries, oil-based paint and motor oil at your local household hazardous waste collection site.
I wrote to the Green MEP Dr.Lucas but she is pushing through with a new proposal for a new EU Directive to enforce the ban due to her Green agenda. It was explained why, I am sure you can ask her yourself as a resident of the South East.
so to continue with the main aspect:
Please sign EDM 1316
From: "Spectrum"
> Subject: EDM 1316 - Phasing out the sale of incandescent lightbulbs
> Dear all
> Great news!
> Thanks to Bruce George MP, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group
> Skin, and the Group's assistant Katherine Clifford, we now have the
> following EDM:
> EDM no. 1316
> Mr Bruce George
> That this House notes that the Government's proposals to phase out
> sale
> of incandescent light bulbs by 2011 is likely to have serious
> for the health and quality of life of people with light sensitivity
> conditions unless exemptions are made; recognises that people with
> conditions can suffer severe and debilitating reactions to
> non-incandescent
> lighting; further notes that a ban on incandescent light bulbs would
> prevent
> people with light sensitivity conditions from using electrical
lighting in
> their own homes, and would restrict their movements to places where
> electrical lighting is not in use, thus leading to social exclusion;
> calls on the Government to ensure that suitable incandescent bulbs
> available for purchase and use by or for people with light
> conditions.
> This EDM remains open until 26th July. We now have to lobby MPs to
get as
> many of them to sign it as possible, if only a few sign it, the
> will not take it seriously and the hard work getting it will be lost.
> So please write to your MP explaining about the lightbulb issue and
> them to sign EDM 1316.
> Please feature this request on websites and newsletters, alongside
> e-petition: http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/righttolight/
Health Issue Alert! :
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