Jacobs Bailiffs
Fly posters | 27.04.2007 11:16
below is a letter that I sent to the local government, local councillors, the head of the council, the coucil tax department and then finally the Local government ombudsman concerning my arrears - I recieved a letter back today, the council have called off the bailiffs and are "reviewing" charges incurrred!
It is worth noting also that bailiffs collecting council tax are not allowed to charge more than the fixed amounts set for visits, although they do, this can be claimed back. The best forum on the web by far for more info on bailiffs is on the consumer action website
"Dear Sir/Madam
On xx/11/04, xx/11/04 and xx/07/05 Nottingham City Council obtained liability orders from the magistrates courts for unpaid council tax. This remained unpaid until 14/06/06, when Nottingham City Council applied to have the money taken directly out of my Job Seekers Allowance.
This came as a relief to me, especially as I was able to pay back an amount of just under £3 per week, and that I was finally clearing the debt of the amount I had built up when my finances got on top of me.
Oddly, the amount being deducted directly from my JSA ceased, possibly cancelled by the JSA themselves, this went undetected by myself as it was such a small amount being paid directly into my bank account. Nottingham
city council failed to contact me to arrange a payment plan, and failed to contact the JSA to arrange setting up a new payment plan. Blissfully unaware of inpending action, I recieved a letter from Jacobs Certified Bailiffs whom the council had instructed to recover the debt.
I have written to the department concerned, as instructed I addressed the letter to a Mr. Mitchell, I was then able to speak to Mr. Mitchel with a follow up call, he told me that in this situation with a liability order having been issued when it was, his department pass the debt straight onto the bailiffs they employ.
Given that if Mr. Mitchells department had of contacted me with just one letter to show there was a problem with the payment, or asked me to arrange
payment via other means I would have gladly done so, it seems odd that they should pass the matter directly to Jacobs bailiffs.
mr. Mitchells department (City Finance Department) have a record of my current address, and have done since they applied for the money to be taken directly from my JSA on xx/07/06. I hold correspondence proof of this.
I would have thought that at every junction the debtor would be given the opportunity to arrange payment, or to ammend a failed payment plan given that it may be out of the debtors hands, or outside of their knowledge. Mr
Mitchell implied that his department did not have the resourses to do this, yet it had the resourses to instruct Jacobs bailiffs.
I had to phone the department on numerous occasions before I was instructed to put my complaint in writing, on one occasion I was told that a letter was
probably sent out, and that if I haven't recieved it it is not the
departments problem. This was confirmed by Mr. Mitchell not to be true - no letter had been sent.
I am also very concerned that when the matter is passed back from Jacobs bailiffs to Nottingham City council finance dept. given their record, the council fail to notify me again, their could be a very small window in which
they either: Refer the debt to another bailiff firm, or refer the matter to the criminal court for my prosecution and possible imprisonment. both seem absurd actions in the face of my willingness to to pay the council the money
I owe at a reasonable rate.
I hope you can look into this complaint for me
Yours sincerely"
Fly posters