Shut down G8 Summit! Conflicts make Europe
lora | 21.04.2007 09:51 | G8 Germany 2007 | Globalisation | Social Struggles | World
This weekend in the city of Rostock there have been three days of discussion rounds to prepare the demonstrations against the G8 meeting.
Shut down G8 Summit!
The main issue coming out of the meeting is that a Europe "from below" does exist, and it is activating more and more relationship and diferent forms of cooperation.
The italian group promoted an international meeting about the Borders issue, to which all the subjects coming to the meeting have partecipated.
During this discussion round we spoke about the groups that will actually go to Germany on June, but also about the forms of protesting to be practiced during the G8.
Yesterday many activists reached Rostock to attend the international meeting that prepares the counter-meeting agaist next G8 summit.
“We shall help in building the counter-meeting in Italy and we’ll try to be the most as possibile in Germany durino the G8 summit”.