Film Screening: A World Without Cancer
Jack Buner | 12.04.2007 01:13 | Education | Health
Edward Griffin in his book ‘A World Without Cancer’ gives eight detailed case studies of patients who took laetrile and recovered from cancer in the 1960s and 1970s (p11 9ff). Doctor Binzel in his book ‘Alive and Well’ sites 21 cases from the 1970s up to 1992 (p11 4ff) and compares his own results in his general practice to those of conventional treatment statistics.
If patients started vitamin B17 and nutritional therapy when first diagnosed, and did not have chemotherapy or radiotherapy then Doctor Ernst T Krebs, Jr claimed a 98% success rate. The Del Rio Hospital of Tijuana claims a nearly 100% success rate with verging cases, i.e. with those who have not had chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Food such as wild blackberries and apricot seeds can contain high amounts of the B17 vitamin (above 500 mgs. Nitriloside per 100 grams food). There are isolated tribes and peoples around the world who do not have cancer. These include the Abkhazians, the Hopi and Navajo Indians, the Hunzas, Eskimos and the Karakorum. What they have in common is that their diet is rich in vitamin B17.
Jack Buner