N9S rebrands itself - though it's still nazi
Lancaster UAF | 27.03.2007 13:07 | Anti-racism | Culture | Social Struggles | Liverpool
The chubby Quinn obviously sees some advantage in naming his party after the fast-failing England First Party, recently two councillors lighter after the defections of the party leader and one of his drinking buddies, so has renamed N9S the British First Party.
The old name, N9S, was a direct reference to Kristallnacht, which referred to the events that took place in Germany and Austria on the night of November 9–10, 1938, when Jewish homes were ransacked in numerous German cities along with 8,000 Jewish shops, towns and villages, as ordinary citizens and stormtroopers destroyed buildings with sledgehammers, leaving the streets covered in smashed windows — the origin of the name 'Night of Broken Glass'. Jews were beaten to death; 30,000 Jewish men were taken to concentration camps; and 1,668 synagogues ransacked with 267 set on fire.
Which shows pretty clearly where Quinn and his micro-party stand on the subject of Jews.
It's not too difficult to guess then where Quinn and co stand on the subject of blacks, Asians and gays either. And your guess would be correct. Back in February 2006, N9S was infiltrated by a Sunday Mirror reporter, Stewart Maclean, who reported;
During my time with the hate-filled skinheads, there were organised street fights, random violent attacks and paramilitary training camps. Evil leader Kevin Quinn, a father-of-four from Bedford, is serving a nine-month suspended prison sentence after admitting possessing violent Nazi literature.
But the threat of prison didn't stop him from a verbal attack on a Jew in the street last week, which I witnessed after joining the gang for an afternoon rally in Central London.
As I secretly filmed, the bully, 40, picked out a young passer-by in broad daylight and yelled: "Juden Raus!", a Nazi slogan meaning "Jew out". Another party member - dad-of-two Jason Okane, 36, from Hastings, East Sussex - yelled: "A Jew! What shall we do, get the noose?"
The shocked victim crossed the street to avoid a fight. Later unmarried Quinn made it clear he preferred to use violence to enforce his evil message.
He told me: "We need to fight any way we can. I'm all Nazi, a total Nazi. We've got to look after ourselves and we need to get people trained up. Now we've got the Muslims and the blacks here we need to stop it. Let's fucking do it. I'll fight for Britain forever."
Maclean's report goes on;
The highlight of their social calendar is a celebration of Hitler's life - held in a secret location every April. They wear Nazi uniforms, swear allegiance to National Socialism and read passages from Hitler's Mein Kampf. Eaton told me: "What he done was right, he just done so much right, didn't he?"
The Electoral Commission, with whom the N9S/British First Party (BFP) are registered, holds the party's latest submitted accounts, which only go as far as December 2004. This peculiar document showed that in the twelve months to that date, the party delivered or handed out 100,000 leaflets. At the end of the year, it had achieved the grand total of 32 members (if the accounts are to be believed, £320 was received in membership subscriptions at £10 a go) though another part of the accounts states that;
In 2004, the membership rose from 350 people to 980 when we introduced a free membership period, this hopefully will generate income when members pay their yearly subs.
Apparently not.
Quinn's ridiculous little nazi party also seems to encourage youngsters into it. According to Maclean, some members of the forum were as young as twelve - certainly too young to vote, too young to belong to a political party and way too young to be hanging around with a bunch of nazi thugs.
The name change is only part of what the BFP is up to. As far as we could see there are no longer any mentions of national socialism, no swastikas and all the verbal attacks have been toned down and will soon, no doubt, disappear altogether from the website.
All this is very reminiscent of the way Nick Griffin has rebranded the BNP. The old hatred, violence and criminality are all still there but, like Griffin, Quinn has swept them under the carpet in an attempt to fool the public into believing that their respective parties are respectable. They're not. They are both, the leaders and the parties they represent, the BNP and the BFP, Holocaust-denying fascist criminals.
Lancaster UAF
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