The Foundations of a Planet
Tza Te | 23.03.2007 22:32 | London
Up Above
No better place to start than the vast expanse of space and time that exists just above our heads.
A world united is a world that glows with light.
The sky is lit by a thousand lamps, all instructing any space travellers the direction to their nearest city.
The science cities, those specialising in research and technological development, stand upright several hundred stories high, shimmering along to the afternoon sun.
These settlements move along the flight paths artificially drawn up by the species that has accomplished the construction of such a complex network of trade and transport. Vehicles hover and manoeuvre within an everlasting array of patterns.
The residents relax in those houses that are visually greener than the rest of the area. Parkland stretches around the streets and the trees breathe in clean air.
Everywhere there are people on the pavements, sheltered by plantation. Their market stalls flavour the aura with scents and colour.
Flags of many nations blow in the wind, in a state of utter liberation, were it not for their poles. Their patterns are works of art.
Music swirls around constantly, consuming the spirits of the earth with its joy.
The rooftops generate the life necessary for warmth and comfort. This place operates in harmony with Gaia.
The inner city farms emit abundance and appreciation. Nowhere is soil as fertile as beneath the surface of a large city. This must have something to do with its history.
At closer glance, the vehicles associated with surface movement have vanished from the roads. Only their buses hold any significance within such an urban landscape. Movement underground measures to be at a minimum.
This area of red energy is buzzing with vitality.
Cultures consolidate with the ease of a wave.
The outer cities show signs of further green development. Rings of trees circulate the circumference, restoring oxygen levels and delighting in their glory.
The homes here appear to exist much closer to their roots. The gardens are immense. Sports programmes appear to have widespread influence.
The glass structures, locally known as ‘greenhouses’, shelter the food of the local tribes.
Rail networks guide the eye towards a world entirely in tune with its surroundings. The trains bear solar energy converters and a wind turbine of some sort, being funnelled along the upper most region of the carriages.
Dense shrubberies prevent accidental access onto these passageways, although bright paint has still navigated itself onto the bridges and metallic structures. There is no escape from the spectrum.
Vehicles move in silence here. The technology of fuel cells has enabled driver to step back into their cars. Yet the roads are still fairly empty. The evening always brings racers onto the gravel track.
The rural environment is returning to full health.
Homes are scattered and farms are now entirely operated by the technology of robotics.
Bird song fills the airways.
The lakes glisten.
Hills and mountains rise above the clouds and stare up at the stars.
There is some new development underway at one particular site. It is called the Eden Project. It aims at constructing a colony on another planet.
The air soothes and the wind fluctuates.
The coast is undamaged.
Some sites remain grey, albeit still demonstrating the colours that prevail along the railways. The presence of freshwater around these signify that the structures are producing drinkable liquid.
Wind turbines at sea resemble the strength of the most primitive monuments.
Harbours are rare. Most transport is done via air travel.
The spirits scream and play, with all the happiness of a bright sun.
The ocean is adrift with white sails.
There is tranquillity in blue.
Down Below
No longer do cultures argue over private land. Every individual is granted their own, independent territory at birth. Trade of land is widespread.
Capitalism is dead. Business leaders are now subordinate to the laws of local council.
Centralised government was dissolved long ago. There is no evidence of ever again reopening the gates to Members Parliament. The beats of electronica rattle the windows.
The military is unarmed. It works towards a successful public transport scheme, assisting individuals in transferring resources, and maintaining an effective information network.
Recycling centres and farmers alike sell their products via stores operating for the benefit of local councils. Organic waste and technology is traded in return for food from farms.
Money is no longer of high commercial value. Free trade and compassion has become dominant over pricing. Everyone has what they need.
We are a species at one.
Tza Te
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