Q&A with John McDonnell MP
Global Women’s Strike | 22.03.2007 14:30
Contender for the leadership of the Labour Party
Thursday 29 March 7.30pm
Trinity United Reformed Church Buck St, London NW1
Behind Sainsbury’s,
Camden Town tube
All welcome
Although we are not in the Labour Party, or any party, this has never been an obstacle to our working together. Unlike other politicians, John has always been committed to using his power for the benefit of the grassroots.
We have many questions for John:
* Parties want our votes only to ignore our needs. How is your bid for the Labour Party leadership different?
* Blair has accused single mothers on benefits of being “workless”, of “taking while giving nothing back”. Would you recognise mothers and other carers as workers who are entitled to economic and other support?
* What should happen with pensioners and people with disabilities who are being
treated as “worthless eaters”?
* We are often told that pay equity in the NHS would bankrupt the government. How would you ensure that pay equity becomes a reality?
* How would you work with trade unions nationally and internationally so we can move towards pay equity for all workers globally? And so unions are as committed to decent benefits as to decent wages?
* How would you tackle the shameful 5.3% conviction rate for rape, and just as shameful 7% for racist assault?
* You are known for your opposition to war on Afghanistan and Iraq. How else does your foreign policy differ from Blair’s?
* Would asylum seekers who escape rape and other torture in war zones and dictatorships still face detention and deportation?
* What would you do about Brian Haw and everyone’s right to protest in Parliament Square?
* You have spoken out in support of the revolution in Venezuela. Do you think we can learn from the Venezuelan missions to run health and other services from the grassroots rather than from above?
* Most Labour MPs have voted with Blair, even on Trident. How would you be able to work with them if the grassroots win you the leadership of the Labour Party?
* What has been the impact of your campaign on the Labour Party? How much support do you have at the grassroots and in the Commons?
* How can non-party political people support your bid for the leadership?
Join us for an exciting discussion with one of the few MPs to have remained dedicated and accountable to the grassroots. Bring your questions, comments and suggestions.
For more information about John’s campaign www.john4leader.org.uk
Organised by the Global Women’s Strike & Payday men’s network
230A Kentish Town Road, London NW5 2AB
Tel: 020 7482 2496 Fax: 020 7209 4761
womenstrike8m@server101.net www.globalwomenstrike.net
Global Women’s Strike
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