[Covering South & South West, Wales & West Midlands]
PURPOSE : This regional newsletter is sent out twice yearly to the South & South West, Wales & West Midlands. It’s purpose is to provide a snapshot of active groups & contacts across those regions, in the belief that making links between groups & individuals is vital for effective campaigning & action.
NOTE : Environmental Events Are Included In This Edition.
(See Section 1 For Regional & National Events)
Post YourNational News On: (Regional IMCs Can Be Found On The Left Hand-Column)
CONTENTS CODE : * New Section... ^ Updated Section...
~ Bristol / Regional Events... + National / International Events...
01) *~+ March 20th: Regional & National Events
02) *~+ Aldermaston Blockades: March & April
03) * + Hands Off Iraqi Oil Teach In: 24th March
04) *~+ Fairford Retrials: Latest Info
05) * + Faslane 365 Continues
06) * + BBC Ban Anti-Blair Record
07) *~ MORE Bristol & Bath Events
08) *~ MORE South & South West Events
09) *~ MORE Wales & West Midlands Events
10) *~+ MORE National / International Events
GROUP DESCRIPTION : This newsletter is produced in association with Bristol Stop-The-War Coalition to publicise events & activities in opposition to the so-called 'war on terror'. We are composed of groups & individuals with a wide variety of political & religious views. We are politically non-aligned, but we are also committed to oppose any racist backlash. Bristol STW is not a 'membership' organisation. Any one or group opposed to the 'war on terror' can consider themselves part of Bristol STW, or can continue to be publicised by us while choosing to organise independently of the Coalition. We don't claim (or seek) a monopoly over anti-war sentiment & activity in the city & recognise that many groups & individuals have their own ways of opposing the 'war on terror'. We are also dependent on individual donations for our funding, so if you are able to make a donation please send a cheque or postal order, payable to: Bristol Stop The War Coalition. Post: BSTWC c/o 23 Monmouth Rd, Bristol BS7 8LF. Or you can email us privately : EDITORIAL : A WOUNDED PREDATOR IS MORE DANGEROUS
Jeremy Clarke of Bristol-Stop-The-War writes: “Four years ago this month the USA, with British support, set out on the latest stage of its bid to control the Middle East & the oil supplies of the region (See Section 3). Superior technology ensured some initial military successes, but today, for all the horror they inflicted on Iraq, Bush & Blair have failed. The vast majority of people in Iraq have opposed the occupation. The Americans have tried to create divisions among the Iraqi people to enable them to maintain control. American & British casualties mount. What support there was for the invasion in the USA & Britain has rapidly disappeared.
The American & British people are clear that they were led into war on the basis of lies. As Blair & Bush plan to leave office those seeking to take their places are trying to distance themselves from the debacle. In Britain, government ministers, who in 2003 could have resigned, & had some impact on Blair’s decision to support the invasion, now try to distance themselves from the adventure, as if they were never really involved. Only Blair & Bush, & their close circles, still try to justify the invasion in anything but the vaguest terms.
It would be easy to think America wouldn’t dare to try the same trick again. But we musn’t forget that the people of Iraq (& Afghanistan) are still living under occupation; hundreds of thousands have been killed; life for those who have survived is worse than before the invasion. So much for liberation & re-construction. As Noam Chomsky pointed out in the Guardian, “A predator becomes even more dangerous & less predictable when wounded. In desperation to salvage something, the administration might risk even greater disasters.”
One ‘greater disaster’ is already underway - Bush’s so-called ‘surge’. This is a further attempt to pacify the Iraqis & quell all opposition to the occupation. It stands as little chance of success as earlier attempts – the result will be more Iraqi deaths & more destruction. The other ‘greater disaster’ being prepared is an attack on Iran - re-running the WDM pantomime of 2002/3. The anti-war movement in the USA & Britain has been tremendously successful in ensuring that the invasion & occupation has stayed at the top of the political agenda in both countries. The 4th anniversary of the invasion offers us an opportunity to remind people of these ‘greater disasters’ – actual and potential. END THE OCCUPATION OF IRAQ - DON’T ATTACK IRAN.”
4 years on and seemingly only Tony Blair is still convinced the iraq War was a good idea. Over 600,000 Iraqi deaths, 3000 US deaths and 133 British soldiers dead will indeed be some "legacy" to leave office with. Below are a listing of key events on 20th March regionally and nationally to mark the start of the invasion of Iraq.
i) BRISTOL - Bristol Stop The War Coalition calls on all its supporters to join the Peace Vigil to show the continued opposition in Bristol to the occupation, and our support for the right of Iraqi people to decide their own future. Please tell your friends, neighbours, work colleagues. Bring banners, placards. Come to the Centre, opposite the Hippodrome (St. AugustinesParade) 5.30pm on Tue 20th March. Download the flyer below: ii) EXETER - will be marking the 4th anniversary of the war with a VIGIL and RALLY Tue 20th, 5pm at Bedford Square. Please come along and invite your friend and workmates. iii) READING - Tue 20th, 12-2 pm outside Reading Town Hall. iv) TAVISTOCK - members of TPAG will be holding a VIGIL in Bedford Square on Tue 20th March, 5.30-6.30pm Bedford Square. Please come along and bring placards. v) LONDON - Stop the War Coalition will be marking this anniversary with "The debate that Parliament won't have". There have been few debates and fewer votes on our Iraq policy – a policy opposed by the great majority of voters in this country. The Stop the War Coalition has convened this special People’s Assembly on 20th March 2007. We are determined that the voice of people of this country should be heard on this, the most important of all issues." For more details see: vi) STRIKE 4 PEACE – Brian Haw has been protesting in Parliament Square since 2nd June 2001. Brian Haw is calling for Strike for Peace on 20th March to oppose the war on Iraq and say no to an attack on Iran. & 02) ALDERMASTON BLOCKADES : 19th March & 10th April &
19th MARCH: The Blockade & Vigil kicks off at 7.00am “On 14th March MPs backed Government plans to renew the Trident nuclear weapons system. It's now more important than ever we hit the streets & make our opposition visible. Blair is already spending millions of our money on research faculties at AWE Aldermaston. Foundations of new buildings to house a super-computer & a massive new laser facility are already underway. We need to make it as difficult as possible for them to do so. BRISTOL TRANSPORT: Departs Bristol 2pm, Sun 18th March (Colston Hall, off Centre). There will be a tour of the base followed by a meal, planning meeting & crash space in Newbury, Sunday night (bring sleeping bag & mat etc). Only £5!
10th APRIL (Easter Tuesday).: A mass non-violent blockade of Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) Aldermaston. Meeting in Reading on Monday 9th April, to arrive 1-2pm for non-violence training workshops, discussions & briefings. Food and floor space provided. If MPs won't stand up to the madness and waste of this policy, the rest of us will have to expose the criminality of government plans & demonstrate the scale of opposition that will challenge Trident replacement. To help with planning food, accommodation, support and transport, please contact us to let us know. Contact details are on website.”
03) HANDS OFF IRAQI OIL TEACH IN : 24th MARCH “A new law that will effectively privatise Iraq's vast oil reserves is about to be passed. Big Oil & the US/UK governments have helped craft this new legislation behind closed doors. Ordinary Iraqis have had no say. Join us on 24th March to find out more about the new law, the companies involved & the UK Government's role, make plans & take action to stop British companies from joining the race to carve up Iraq's oil wealth.” 11am - 5pm, The Union Chapel, Compton Avenue, N1 2XD.
KEY NEWS ARTICLE: New Oil Law Seen As Cover For Privatization. “The U.S.-backed Iraqi cabinet has approved a new oil law that is set to give foreign companies the long-term contracts & safe legal framework they have been waiting for, but which has rattled labor unions & international campaigners who say oil production should remain in the hands of Iraqis. Independent analysts & labor groups have also criticized the process of drafting the law & warned that the bill is so skewed in favor of foreign firms that it could end up heightening political tensions in the Arab nation & spreading instability. For example, it specifies that up to two-thirds of Iraq's known reserves would be developed by multinationals, under contracts lasting for 15 to 20 years. This policy would represent a u-turn for Iraq's oil industry, which has been in the public sector for more than three decades, & would break from normal practice in the Middle East. According to local labor leaders, transferring ownership to the foreign companies would give a further pretext to continue the U.S. occupation on the grounds that those companies will need protection.”
Five defendants, known as the 'Fairford 5' - Paul Milling & Margaret Jones, Josh Richards, Phillip Pritchard & Toby Olditch - all tried to prevent or delay the take-off of U.S B-52 bombers from RAF Fairford, Gloucestershire, in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Three separate trials of these five were held between Sept 2006 & Jan 2007, all of which resulted in hung juries! The pre-trial hearings themselves lasted 3 years, & went all the way to the High Court, as they attempted to win the right to argue that the Iraq war is illegal, and therefore recognised as part of their defence. In April 2006, this defence was denied by the House Of Lords. They said - the crime of attacking another nation is a crime in international law, but cannot be said to be part of British domestic law! PREVIOUS TRIALS: i) Sept 2006: Margaret (Monica) Jones & Paul Milling. ii) Oct 2006: Phillip Pritchard & Toby Olditch. iii) Jan 2007: Josh Richards.
i) ii) iii) RETRIALS: Despite 3 hung jury verdicts the justice system has decided to resume the Fairford Trials. Josh Richards writes: “Here we go again!... Having spent over £2 million trying to get our peers to convict us for attempting to prevent war crimes & hinder the illegal attack & occupation of Iraq, & failing miserably 3 times, it seems they still fancy their chances. I can only assume that they feel not ordering retrials would be tantamount to admitting the 'crown' doesn’t have a legal leg to stand on in legitimising the devastation & slaughter inflicted on Iraq.” RETRIAL DATES: Dates for the retrials are still patchy, but it would seem Toby Olditch & Phil Pritchard’s retrial is expected mid May. Josh Richard’s retrial is either on June 4th or 30th May. Margaret Jones & Paul Milling’s retrial is expected to be at the end of June / beginning of July.
05) FASLANE 365 CONTINUES Faslane 365 is a one year continuous peaceful blockade of the Trident base at Faslane, Scotland, from 1st Oct 2006 to 30th Sept 2007. Faslane 365 is asking a wide range of local, national and even international groups from all sections of civil society to come to Faslane with at least 100 people committed to stay and make their visions for a just and peaceful future visible for at least two days.
PURPOSE: The purpose of Faslane 365 is twofold: to bring people to witness and impede the nuclear base where Britain's nuclear weapons are deployed, and enable them to demonstrate the range of serious concerns - from human rights to climate change - that people in the real world consider to be the vital challenges for the 21st century. Running from Oct 1st 2006 for a year, at a time when Tony Blair has put on the political agenda the prospect of spending some £40 billion more to keep nuclear weapons in Scotland until at least the year 2055, Faslane 365 will draw attention to the dangerous insecurity and waste of resources inherent in the Trident nuclear system, and will mobilise support for these nuclear mistakes to be disarmed. In preventing nuclear 'business as usual' we also intend to highlight our real, human security needs, which will require a very different allocation of resources and action. To find a blockading group near you, visit: DONATIONS: If you can’t join a blockade, donations are welcome. Cheques to: 'Faslane 365'. To: Valley Farmhouse, East Runton, Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 9PN.
06) BBC BAN ANTI-BLAIR RECORD BUY ‘WAR (WHAT IS GOOD FOR)’ FROM YOUR MOBILE! Text ‘peace1’ to 78789. Profits go to the Stop The War Coalition. Texts Cost £1.50 (Plus Normal Operator Charges).
The BBC have banned the hit single ‘War’, which features a Tony Blair lookalike in the video, over fears its pro-peace message will offend the government. The record, by the band Ugly Rumours (Blair’s college band), has created enormous interest, & been played and broadcast on TV stations from Damascus to Mexico City. Sources at the highest level within the BBC have privately confirmed a banning order has been instituted. The record joins others bizarrely banned, such as ‘Something In The Air Tonight’ & ‘Walk Like An Egyptian’, both censored by the BBC during the 1st Gulf War. In the 2nd Gulf War a leaked memo by the corporation’s head of news, Richard Sambrooke, told staff that too many ‘extreme anti-war’ views were being aired.
Tony Blair (the singer) said: ‘I may have taken the country to war on a pack of lies, but when I now try to push the message about world peace I’m gagged.’ George Galloway, who features on the video along with Tony Blair’s sister-in-law Lauren Booth demanded the record was reinstated & a statement be made by the director-general of the BBC. ‘This lickspittle BBC has a deplorable record of toadying to the government. Let’s not forget that only 3 people have lost their jobs over the war, 2 of them BBC employees,’ Galloway said, ‘and not one government minister has paid the price for sending us into this illegal and immoral war. Galloway added that he would be asking the sacked BBC employee Andrew Gilligan - whose reports have been entirely vindicated by history – to take part in Ugly Rumour’s follow-up single and video.
a) ~ Action : In the Event Of An Attack On Iran : Bristol
b) *~ 17th-18th March : Quakers Photo Exhibition : Bath
c) *~ 17th-18th March : Camp For Climate Action : Bristol
d) *~ 18th March : Bristle Collective Meeting : Bristol
e) *~ 19th March : ‘Our Sufferings In This Land’ Film : Bristol
f) *~ March - June : Abolition Of Slavery 200 : Bristol
g) *~ 25th March : Abololition Of Slavery 200 : Bath
h) *~ 2nd April : Bristol Indymedia Film Night : Bristol
i) *~ 4th April : Blackout Bristol : Bristol
j) *~ 19th-22nd April : Camp For Climate Action : Bath
k) *~ 21st April : Big Café ‘Sustainability Bristol’ : Bristol
The USA has increased its threats against Iran, so always remember that in the event of an attack being launched against Iran, Bristol Stop the War Coalition calls on all its supporters to join the Peace Vigil on the Centre, opposite the Hippodrome (St. Augustines Parade), on the day they hear of the attack. The Vigil is from 5.30pm-6.30pm on Mondays to Fridays and 3pm-4pm on Saturday. Email: 7b) QUAKER PHOTO EXHIBITION : BATH : 17th - 18th March
Email: “One of the reasons the Bath Stop The War Coalition has been able to meet in the Friends Meeting House is that anti-war and anti-militarism is an expression of the Quaker Peace Testimony. Come to the photo exhibition "Wider Visions" in the upstairs room at the Meeting House on Sat 17 March 10.30am-4pm & Sun 18 March 2pm-4pm. Friends' Meeting House, York Street Bath BA1 1NG.
7c) CAMP FOR CLIMATE ACTION : BRISTOL : 17th - 18th March
“Summer 2006 saw activists & climate change campaigners converging at the Camp for Climate Action. We will be holding a meeting in Bristol 17-18th march to plan for climate camp 07.”
Contact: & “The Bristle collective, who put together, publish & sell the Bristle magazine, meet bi-weekly to sort out all the work involved in putting out the mag. We are currently working on issue 24, which will feature on ’10 years of neoLabour’, and is due out in early April. If you’d like to get involved, we meet at 5.30pm at Kebele, 14 Robertson Rd, Easton, Bristol BS5 6JY.”
Email: Bristol Amnesty International. ‘This film documents a 2 week visit to Palestine by a group of international peace activists. The film dramatically explains the construction of the Separation Wall/Fence, checkpoints & difficulties of the olive harvest, as well as giving insight into the spirited culture & resistance of the Palestinian people.” Venue : YHA Bristol, Narrow Quay, BS1 4QA. 7.45 pm. Free.
7f) ABOLITION OF SLAVERY 200 : BRISTOL : MARCH - JUNE EVENTS & i) TUE 20th MARCH : ‘Representing Slavery & Abolition In Bristol’: Presentations by Dr Beth Kowaleski & Dr John McAleer plus showing of locally made film Clarkson Watershed Media Centre. Free event - reserve a place via 0117 32 84372. Email: - ii) WED 21st MARCH : ‘Slavery: The Slave Trade & Its Aftermath’: Pugsley Lecture Theatre, Queen’s Building, University of Bristol, University Walk, Bristol, 5:30pm. - iii) SAT 24th MARCH : Launch of new book ‘Satan's Kingdom: Bristol & the Transatlantic Slave Trade’ by Pip Jones (Past & Present Press) 6.30pm at the Pierian Centre, 27 Portland Sq, St Pauls (924 4512). - iv) SAT 24th MARCH : ‘Abolition - Or Just A Change Of Chains?’: 7.30pm at the Pierian Centre, 27 Portland Square, St Pauls (924 4512) - v) 24-25th MARCH : Art exhibition celebrating 200 years since Abolition of Slave Trade - including ‘Maid in South Africa’, by Carly McDonough. Pierian Centre, 27 Portland Sq, St Pauls, BS2 8SA (924 4512). - vi) SUN 25th MARCH : Service Of Remembrance & Reconciliation. 3.30 pm Bristol Cathedral will host a civic service to mark the date that King George III signed the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act. - vii) MON 23rd APRIL : ‘Breaking The Chains’ Exhibition : ‘It will pay tribute to the resilience & courage of those who were enslaved and the tireless abolition campaigners.’ The British Empire & Commonwealth Museum, Clock Tower Yard, Temple Meads Bristol BS1 6QH. - viii) FRI 15th JUNE : ‘Combating Contemporary Slavery' : Arnolfini, Bristol, 10am - 3:30pm. Free event. People may attend part of the day if they wish. For further info email: - ix) TUE 26th JUNE : ‘The Commonwealth Caribbean & The New Colonialism: Risks & Resistance In An Age Of Globalization'. Watershed Media Centre, 7:00pm. Tickets Watershed Box Office - Tel: 0117 9275100
7g) ABOLITION OF SLAVERY 200 : BATH : Sun 25th March
An event is being planned on the exact anniversary of the Act, Sun 25th March. A themed walk through Bath will start at Beckford's Tower on Lansdown, & end with a service in Bath Abbey. The walk begins around the grave of William Beckford, at the foot of his tower, at 3pm, with a reflection on his family's ownership of thousands of slaves in the West Indies. It will proceed via St Swithin's Walcot, where William Wilberforce was married. Then the Bishop of Bath and Wells will conduct a special service at 6.30pm at Bath Abbey.
7h) BRISTOL INDYMEDIA FILM NIGHT : BRISROL : Mon 2nd April Middle East Focus – Iraq Uncovered. “Bristol Indymedia Film Night will be taking a deeper look at the history and stories behind the headlines of the middle east. The region is rarely off the headlines with bombings, shootings and killing and yet has around 60% of the worlds oil supply.” Mon 2nd April @ Cube Cinema Dove St South (off Kings Sq), Bristol. Doors open 7.30pm, film starts 8pm. £3/4
7i) BLACKOUT BRISTOL : BRISTOL : Fri 4th April “Friends of the Earth Bristol will be asking for the lights to go out on 4th April 2007 all over Bristol. 'Blackout Bristol' is particularly aimed at big offices where interior & exterior lights are left on all night, every night. Over the next few weeks, we're going to be putting together a list of the worst-offending buildings in Bristol - and would like your help. Do you live near an office that is lit up like a Christmas tree even though it's 11pm on a Sunday night? Or do you work in one?”
7j) CAMP FOR CLIMATE ACTION : BATH : 19th - 22nd April
Email: “Bath Activist Network will be holding a climate camp, but we need help to build and make the camp a success. The focus of the camp will be the headquaters of Land & Marine, the company building a 150 mile long, environmentally destructive pipeline through Wales. We hope to shut Land & Marine down with blockades & protests.” This will be a National event, along the lines of the Bristol Camp For Climate Action in Bristol, 17-18th March. (See Section 10C).
7k) BIG CAFÉ ‘SUSTAINABILITY BRISTOL’ : BRISTOL : Sat 21st April “Ten year Plan to Make Bristol a Sustainable City. The Environmental Sustainability Group at the University of Bristol is interested in sustainable development. Our aim is also to support activities that will lead to Bristol becoming a sustainable city. The studies are laboratory, theory, field and workshop based.”10am-4pm. Tobacco Factory, North Road,Bedminster, Bristol.
a) *~ Bookings Request : ‘Escale Dedale’ : South West
b) *~ Resources : Exeter CND Peace Shop : Exeter
c) *~ Petition : Oppose The Newhaven Incinerator : Newhaven
d) *~ 17th March : ‘Right To Protest’ Demo : Brighton
e) *~ 19th March : Lebanon Red Cross Appeal : Swindon
f) *~ 24th March : ‘Children & War’ Meeting : Reading
g) *~ 25th March : G8 2007 Mobilisation Meeting : Reading
h) *~ 26th March : National ID-DAY : Brighton
i) *~ 27th March-3rd April : Same Difference Film Festival : Slough
j) *~ 31st March : Adventures With An Unarmed Comedian : Brighton
8a) BOOKINGS REQUEST : ‘ESCALE DEDALE’ : SOUTH WEST Email: “Pol Huellou is a very dedicated peace person from Brittany He is a brilliant musician & an authority on Breton Music. He, with the trio, Escale Dédale, is coming here, to the South West & would like some venues during the week from the 23rd April to spread the peace message & play some beautiful music, especially in Falmouth Plymouth, or Exeter. He is willing to do benefit concerts, but he is not a rich person, at least he should be given something for travelling & essential expenses.”
Exeter CND runs the Exeter Peace Shop, 31 New Bridge St, Exeter (telephone 01392 431447). The Peace Shop is normally open Mon 2pm - 5pm, Tue to Sat 11am to 5pm. We sell a range of goods, from t-shirts to toys, badges to stationery, & we also have a wealth of information on peace, disarmament & non-violence issues.
8c) PETITION : OPPOSE THE NEWHAVEN INCINERATOR : NEWHAVEN “This is for anybody concerned about the proposed Newhaven Incinerator, as the fallout will affect Brighton, other towns in Lewes District & further afield. It would pump out 3.5 million square cubic metres of Carbon Dioxide, & other very dangerous particulates such as Dioxins.”
8d) ‘RIGHT TO PROTEST’ DEMO : BRIGHTON : Sat 17th March “Following Sussex Police's complicity in criminalising peaceful protest at EDO and their outrageous attempts to counter local accusations of over-policing last year's demonstration against Israeli aggression in Lebanon many local activist groups have responded to a call from Sussex Action for Peace to hold a 'Right to Protest' march on March 17th in Brighton. Churchill Square, Sat 17th March, 12 noon. Called by: Sussex Action for Peace and Brighton & Hove Palestine.”
Open Mic in aid of Red Cross Lebanon appeal. “The end of the war has not meant the end of suffering for children. Towards the end of the war some 4,000 explosive items were dropped daily on southern Lebanon; with a failure rate estimated by the mine action group to be at least 10%.” Mon 19th March, 8pm, Beehive pub, behind the old Regents Circus college. Swindon.
8f) ‘CHILDREN AND WAR’ MEETING : READING : Sat 24th March Almost half of the population of Iraq are children. Our speakers will address the consequences of war for Iraqi youth. 7-9 pm, Friends Meeting House, Church St Reading.
8g) G8 2007 MOBILISATION MEETING : READING : Sun 25th March
“DISSENT! Network Of Resistance Against The G8. From 6-8 June 2007, the G8 Summit are planning on meeting in Germany. We will hold a 2nd meeting to discuss the UK G8 Mobilisation for 2007.”
8h) NATIONAL ID-DAY : BRIGHTON : Mon 26th March
Email: “ID-DAY – Brighton plans its part in the national day of action (See Section 10g) In 1952 Winston Churchill scrapped ID-cards as a result of growing concerns over civil liberties and police abuses of power. Some may say he had his faults, but at least he managed defended our civil liberties and way of life from fascists and the tools such as ID-cards that fascists use. Churchill square from 5pm, 26th March.”
8i) THE SAME DIFFERENCE FESTIVAL : SLOUGH : 27th Mar - 3rd Apr The Same Difference Film Festival is a week long festival showcasing films based on the themes of conflict, conflict resolution and community. The festival includes local and international films that reflect the rich and diverse community that makes up Slough . We hope this is our most inspiring collection of films yet. For more info: Text SDFF to 07842551260 | Call 01753 574 780
“A fantastic fundraising auction in aid of Brighton & Hove Green Party, with acclaimed satirist Mark Thomas & music from cuban-style band Bacalao. Brighton ’s Green Euro-MP Dr Caroline Lucas will open the evening. Sat 31st March. Doors 7.30pm; Start 8.00 pm Sallis Benney Theatre, Grand Parade, Brighton, BN1.” For more info call Brighton & Hove Green Party 01273 766 670. Tickets: £10 (plus booking fee) from: Rounder Records 19 Brighton Sq, Tel 01273 325 440. Resident Music 28 Kensington Gardens Tel 01273 606 312
a) *~ 17th March : Oxford Anti-War March : Oxford
b) *~ 17th March : ‘The Bride Of Galilee’ Film : Oxford
c) *~ 17th-18th March : Clown Army Basic Training : Aberyswyth
d) *~ 20th March : ‘When Is Genocide Not Genocide’ Talk : Bangor
e) *~ 23rd March : ‘Justice For Palestine’ Meeting : Wolverhampton
f) *~ 23rd March : ‘Peace & Justice’ Benefit Gig : Bangor
g) *~ 28th-31st March ‘Women In Black’ Exhibition : Oxford
h) *~ 29th March : Anti Rascist/Fascist Meeting : Connah’s Quay
i) *~ 30th March-2nd April : Wales One World Film Festival : Wales Tour
j) *~ 2nd Apr-4th May : Drawing Paradise On The ‘Axis Of Evil’ : Wales Tour
k) *~ 3rd April : Preparing West Wales For A Future Without Oil : Lampeter
l) *~ 19th-21st April : Climate Change Course : Oxford
Email: “We are approaching the 4th anniversary of the attack on Iraq by the US & UK. The assault was brutal, unprovoked, & launched on the lie that the country was developing weapons of mass destruction. The consequences include the destruction of the nation's infrastructure & social services, enormous death & devastation & the emergence of sectarian death squads. Here in Britain, they include ever greater restrictions of civil liberties. Our leaders are now threatening to attack Iran.” 12.30pm Manzil Way.
9b) FILM ‘THE BRIDE OF GALILEE’ : OXFORD : Sat 17th March ‘During the Israeli air force bombings, in 1948, the family home of Fatma Hawari (18yrs old) suffered a direct hit. Everyone perished, except for Fatma. This incident left her paralyzed from the waist down, she lost her fiancé and the possibility of starting a family. In the course of the film she meets with the Israeli pilot who was responsible for her tragedy, and makes a moral reckoning with herself and those around her.’ Sat 17th March, 8:15pm. The Old Fire Station, Oxford.
9c) CLOWN ARMY BASIC TRAINING : ABERYSWYTH : 17th - 18th March ‘We will be holding the next Clown Army Basic Recruit Training "Big Shoe Camp" at the old Drill Hall on Glyndwr Road in Aberyswyth from 10 til 6, 17th and 18th March.) If you are interested in participating, please contact: or tel: 07906624845.’
‘When Is Genocide Not Genocide?” United Nations Association (UNA) Wales. Speaker: Richard Cadell, lecturer at UWB School of Law. Tue 20th March, 6pm. Lecture Room 2, Arts Block, College Rd, Bangor
9e) ‘JUSTICE FOR PALESTINE’ MEETING : WOLVERHAMPTON : 23rd March Wolverhampton Palestine Solidarity Campaign. ‘Justice for Palestine, Peace in the Middle East’ Public Meeting. ‘2007 marks the 40th anniversary of the 6 Day War, in which the Israeli army took control of the Gaza Strip, West Bank, & East Jerusalem. The government of Israel has built 'settlements' in Occupied Palestine. This situation has continued despite Israel being in violation of over 60 UN resolutions.’ Fri 23rd March 7-9pm. St. Andrews Church Hall, Avion Centre, Whitmore Reans, Wolverhampton.
Benefit gig at Anglesey Arms Menai Bridge/Porthaethwy – ‘Cane Toads and Screaming Citizens’ – 8pm. Bangor & Ynys Môn Peace & Justice benefit for Gaza.
9g) ‘WOMEN IN BLACK’ EXHIBITION : OXFORD : 28th - 31st March ‘The exhibition comprises more than 50 photos of women from the world-over, including members of the Oxford Women in Black group. The exhibition includes a video installation, featuring interviews with local women who take part in peace and environmental actions.’ Oxfordshire Record Office, St Luke's Church, Temple Road, Cowley, Oxford OX4 2HT, tel: 01865 398200.
Open meeting in partnership with Deeside Trades Council. Stop the BNP in Wales. Thursday 29th March, Connah’s Quay Labour Club, Fron Road, Connah’s Quay at 7.30 pm.
9i) WALES ONE WORLD FILM FESTIVAL : WALES TOUR : 30th March – 2nd April Email: ‘With 18 Welsh premieres and one UK premiere the biggest and best WOW! Film Festival yet starts on Friday 9 March in Aberystwyth and tours around Wales till Wednesday 4 April. With 130 screenings of 34 different films from 20 countries, it's a great opportunity to catch the latest hot hits from all around the world.’ See the website for a full listing of events.
For more info see or call 0845 458 9571. Exhibitions and talks on Iran by artist and activist Emily Johns. i) 2nd April : TENBY : 7.30pm, St Johns Church. - ii) 2nd - 13th April : TENBY : 10am - 5pm, Mon - Sat (closed Sun), Little Wedlock Gallery, Gumfreston, SA70 8RB. - iii) 3rd April : MILFORD HAVEN : 7.30pm, Friends Meeting House, Priory Rd. iv) 4th April : St Davids : 7.30pm. For time and venue ring 0845 458 9572. - v) 5th April : NARBETH : 7pm, Span Arts, Moorfield Road, SA67 7AG. - vi) 14th - 27th April : NARBETH : Span Arts, Town Moor, Moorfield Rd, SA67 7AG. Tel: 01834 869 323. - vii) 28th April – 4th May : MILFORD HAVEN : Friends Meeting House, Priory Rd. Tel: 01646 651766
Email: Public Meeting Preparing West Wales for a future without oil A presentation by Rob Hopkins Tue 3rd April 2007. 4.00-8.30pm Arts Hall, University of Wales, Lampeter. Places limited so advance booking essential. Tel: 01239 710238
9l) CLIMATE CHANGE COURSE : OXFORD : 19th - 21st April Booking Required, Tel: 0870 0660854 'Climate Change: The Most Urgent Issue Of Our Time' “Climate Outreach & Information Network (COIN) is running a course on climate change in partnership with Ruskin College Oxford. Key speakers from the environmental movement will work with you, offering a range of practical suggestions and sharing their knowledge.”
a) * + Petition : Migrant Petition Campaign Group
b) * + Petition : Diego Garcia / Chagos Islands Petition
c) *~+ 17th-18th March : Camp For Climate Action Meeting : Bristol
d) * + 19th March : Day Of Action Against ‘War On Terror’ : Global
e) * + 22nd March : World Water Day 2007 : Global
f) *~+ 25th March : G8 2007 Mobilisation Meeting : Reading
g) * + 26th March : National ID-DAY : National
h) * + 29th March-1st April : 5th Cairo Conference : Egypt
i) * + 7th-21st April : Vanunu Freedom Ride : Faslane - London
j) * + 10th April : Trial Of Maya Evans & Milan Rai : London
k) * + 13th-14th April : Peace History Conference : London
l) * + 19th-20th April : Dissidence To Defiance Conference : Newscastle
m) * + April-July : ‘Bloody Terrorists’ Terrorism In Context : London
n) * + 23rd-27th May : Civicus World Assembly : Scotland
o) * + 2nd-9th June : Social Inclusion Of Migrants Study : France
p) * + 11th September : Disarm DSEi 2007 : London
q) * + 11th-14th Oct : Latin American & Asia Pacific Forum : Australia
10a) MIGRANT PETITION CAMPAIGN GROUP Note: This group are asking people to make petitions using the below info. These petitions will be handed in to the Home Office. “No immigrant should be illegal! As a direct result of anti-democratic & repressive immigration policies, substantial numbers of people seeking asylum are kept in detention centres. Innocent asylum seekers have not only been criminalised but are also subject to inhumane treatment in these centres. The government insists on detaining, criminalising & callously mistreating guiltless people seeking asylum. The demands of the campaign are as follows: - Shut all detentions centres! - Stop detaining people seeking asylum in detention centres while their cases remain under consideration! - Remove the mandatory monthly/weekly/daily reporting to enforcement units - Do not deport family members of British citizens!- End dawn-raids! - Save English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses! - Give people seeking asylum back the right to work! We, the undersigned, ask the Home Secretary to reconsider the practices corresponding to these demands & strongly urge a review of their implementation.”Please send completed petitions to Day-Mer, Turkish & Kurdish Community Centre, Howard Road, London, N16 8PU
10b) DIEGO GARCIA / CHAGOS ISLANDS PETITION “The Chagos Archipelago is a group of 60+ islands of great beauty lying in the Indian Ocean. It is a British colony. Between 1965-70, all the inhabitants, 2500 people, were either tricked into leaving or removed forcibly. The British government used a range of cruel, barbaric & brutal methods to remove a whole indigenous population. All this was, of course, carried out in secret. The reason for the de-population was that the Americans had identified the largest island, Diego Garcia, as an ideal site for a strategic military base. The whole disgraceful truth eventually came out but our government has throughout resorted to blatant lies & concealment. Diego Garcia now houses one of the largest American bases in the world. It was used during the invasion of Iraq. In recent years, the islanders, most of whom are now living in slums in Mauritius, have won a number of important court cases which have upheld their right to return. The Blair government seems determined to prevent this ever happening.”
10c) CAMP FOR CLIMATE ACTION MEETING : BRISTOL : 17th-18th March “Summer 2006 saw activists & climate change campaigners converging at the Camp for Climate Action. The camp itself provided an example of a more sustainable way of living. It aimed to have a minimal carbon footprint. Campers also took direct action to shut down the biggest emitter of CO2 in northern Europe, Drax power station. Camp for Climate Action 2007 will be taking place from Aug 14th-21st. It will be taking place near a target within the aviation, coal or oil industries. We would like to invite YOU to get involved with the process of organizing the camp. No previous experience is required. We will be holding a meeting in Bristol 17th-18th march to plan for climate camp 07. Please come along & help us make Climate Camp 2007 a reality. DATES: Sat 17th march 11am – 6pm & Sun 18th March 10am-5pm. Barton Hill Settlement which is 5mins from Lawrence Hill station. We will be providing food (small charge), and can provide accommodation (free of charge) for those coming from outside Bristol. There will be evening entertainment and a crèche whilst the meeting is taking place. Please let us know if you plan to come.”
Email: To add to the agenda, email : 10d) DAY OF ACTION AGAINST THE ‘WAR ON TERROR’ : GLOBAL : 19th March Please organise events on, or around, this day. “We are now approaching the 4th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Over the past 4 years Iraq has been ravaged by the Anglo-American occupation forces & by internal struggle which has accompanied their assault. 100’s of thousands have been killed there, as well as in Afghanistan, Palestine, Lebanon, & elsewhere. This war has also seen governments increasingly attack our freedom, through arbitrary arrest, ID cards, house raids & internment without trial. Opposition in this country has thus far failed to stem a tide of war & repression. A to B marches have failed to have real impact on the government’s will or ability to continue this war. It is time for a change in strategy, a change in tactics & a change in attitude. We must do more than march if we want to stop this war.”
10e) WORLD WATER DAY 2007 : GLOBAL : Thu 22nd March & “World Water Day takes place on Thu 22nd March. An Action Pack is available from the World Development Movement (WDM). WDM is calling on the government to abandon its support for water privatisation & to invest in public solutions to the global water crisis. If you would like any help with taking action, or to order any of the materials please contact Amy Burgess on 020 7820 4900 or BACKGROUND: “Most of us take clean water for granted, but a 6th of the world’s population aren’t so lucky. Over a billion people worldwide cannot reach or afford clean water. The result is over 2 million people, mainly children, dying every year because they have unclean water, while the lives of many more are blighted by illness & preventable diseases from unsafe water & poor sanitation. Privatisation has been pushed as the solution to this global water crisis. Millions of pounds of UK aid money has been spent supporting this approach. But it is now clear that privatisation has failed to deliver water to those most in need. Worldwide, it has led to unnecessarily high price rises & few additional water connections, while big business reaps a profit. Water privatisation doesn’t work.”
10f) G8 2007 MOBILISATION MEETING : READING : Sun 25th March Email: rgacollective(AT) DISSENT! Network Of Resistance Against The G8. 2nd G8 2007 UK-Mobilisation Meeting! Sun 25th March, 10am – 5pm @ Rising Sun Arts Centre, 30 Silver Street, Reading, Berks, RG1 2ST. Limited accommodation available, in particular, those wishing to attend on Sat 24th for informal pre-meetings. The venue is 10 minutes walk from the train station, map below: Agenda items to: dissentprocess(AT) venue's website: BACKGROUND: “From 6-8 June 2007, the G8 Summit - the meeting of the heads of state & government of the USA, Canada, Japan, Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany & Russia - are meeting in Germany. Following on from a meeting in Nottingham in January, we will hold a 2nd meeting to discuss the UK G8 Mobilisation for 2007. The mobilisation is committed to bottom up, decentralised organising. The tours arose from an international gathering for the mobilisation, called Campinski, near the German G8 summit venue last summer. The UK leg of the tour in October saw activists from the UK, Russian & Germany working together.”
10g) NATIONAL ID-DAY : NATIONAL : Mon 26th March Email: “ID-Day is Monday, 26th March 2006. Why March 26th? Because this is the date on which - according to recently-leaked government documents - the first ID interrogation centres will be opening their doors across the UK. We shall announce the precise nature of the action in due course, but rest assured that it will - according to NO2ID's principles - be peaceful, law-abiding and designed for maximum political & media impact. If you want to know more, you'll need to either get in touch with your local group or, if there isn't a group near you, start one! To get the ball rolling, send an e-mail to letting us know which town/village/area of a city you live in. There'll be some information in our NO2ID newsletter (see above website) in the coming weeks but now is the time to start getting active and organised.”
10h) 5th CAIRO CONFERENCE : EGYPT : 29th March – 1st April See The Link For More Info. “For more than 5 years, the Cairo Conference has been a key meeting place for those opposing war & occupation from Iraq, Palestine, Egypt & the international anti-war movement. The event brings together delegates from the global social movements, the international anti-war movement, the trade unions, the left, radical parties & national liberation movements. It will build links of solidarity between those involved in the struggle against imperialism & neo-liberalism across the globe. At last year’s conference over 2,000 people crammed into the Egyptian journalist union’s building to hear speakers from Egypt, Palestine, Europe & Iran. A wide spectrum of the Egyptian opposition, including the Muslim Brotherhood, Nasserist groups, socialists, trade unions and peasant organisations were represented. The Third Cairo Social Forum will take place alongside the conference.”
10i) VANUNU FREEDOM RIDE : FASLANE – LONDON : 7th – 21st April Tel: 0207 607 2302. “For telling the world Israel was secretly developing nuclear weapons, Vanunu spent 18yrs in prison – 12 of these in solitary! Vanunu was released in April 2004, but is still not free. His freedom of speech, movement & association are restricted in contravention of his human rights. He is denied a passport, & not allowed to leave East Jerusalem without permission. He is forbidden to communicate with foreigners or discuss Israel’s nuclear weapons. To protest we are organising the Vanunu Freedom Ride - a bicycle ride starting at Faslane, the UK's nuclear weapons base near Glasgow on 7th April & ending at the Israeli Embassy in London on 21st April. The Ride will demand Mordechai be set free, that his vision of a nuclear-free Middle East be fulfilled, & an end to nuclear weapons worldwide. We also demand freedom for Palestine. We will stop at towns & cities to hold events raising awareness of Vanunu’s situation & Israel’s nuclear weapons – still secret & not subject to international inspection.”
10j) TRIAL OF MAYA EVANS & MILAN RAI : LONDON : Tue 10th April & Maya Evans & Milan Rai are charged with organising & / or participating in an ‘unauthorised’ demonstration within 1km of Parliament during last October's ‘No More Fallujahs’ anti-occupation camp in Parliament Square. 2pm, Horseferry Magistrates Court, 70 Horseferry Rd, SW1P 2AX. Support welcome. BACKGROUND: “The Serious Organised Crime & Police Act, 2005 (SOCPA) rules compromise freedom of speech. Anyone who wants to demonstrate within 1km of Parliament must apply for permission at least 6 days in advance. Maya Evans, at that time 25, was previoulsly arrested on Tue 25th Oct 2005 for taking part in a demonstration in Parliament Square. She became the first person to be tried & convicted under the act (on Wed 7th Dec 2005). Maya Evans is again on trial for continuing to protest in Parliament Square without ‘authorisation’, this time along with Milan Rai of Justice Not Vengeance. Maya Evans has now written a book on her experiences. See the above website for info.”
10k) PEACE HISTORY CONFERENCE : LONDON : 13th – 14th April Email: ‘Peace History : Encouragement & Warnings’ 2 day non-residential conference at the Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Rd, London SE1. Organised by the International Peace Bureau & the Movement for the Abolition of War. BACKGROUND: “This conference aims to bring to the general public aspects of peace-building history which have been overlooked. Yet it is on the foundations laid by those who preceded us that we now struggle for a world of respect for law & nonviolent conflict resolution. The focus will be on 19th & 20th century examples of practical peacemaking. The speakers, from different countries, are all experts in their own field. There will be plenty of opportunity for general discussion, especially about lessons to be learnt from history.”
For More Info & To Register, Email: ‘From Dissidence To Defiance: Resisting The Disciplines Of Global Politics’. Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne. Flat fee for both days (includes lunches & refreshments) £35. Flat fee for one day £25. “From perspectives that transcend disciplines, this conference will consider how dissidence, defiance, & resistance are conceptualized & materialized within the theories & practices of contemporary global politics.The mission is to offer an open forum to showcase the diversity of critical research in the UK, give an opportunity to network across disciplines, foster interdisciplinary & inter-paradigmatic dialogues, & provide a venue for the presentation of innovative research that is concerned with relationships between theory & practice in the study of global political dynamics.”
10m) ‘BLOODY TERRORISTS’ – TERRORISM IN CONTEXT : LONDON : Apr – July Email: Chaired by Professor Ziauddin Sardar (The City University). All lectures: 6-8pm, Oliver Merton Hall, City University, Northampton Sq, EC1V 0HB. “This series of 7 lectures explores the broader context of terrorism - from terrorism's relationship to poverty & injustice to how it is covered in the media, from the psychological & cultural basis of terror to how it is perceived by the British Muslim community, from the emotional state of suicide bombers to how terrorism has been treated in western literature. "Bloody Terrorists": Terrorism in Context is designed to bring the illusive & invisible contours of terrorism sharply into focus.” i) 25th APRIL: 'Where Do Terrorists Come From?' - ii) 9th MAY: ‘Right & Wrong, Wretchedness, Terrorism’. - iii) 23rd MAY: 'Terrorism & Islam: The British Muslim Experience'. - iv) 6th JUNE: 'Martyrs of Postculture: Analysing the Terrorist'. - v) 20th JUNE: 'Reporting Terror: How the Media Covers Terrorism'. - vi) 4th JULY: 'Cultural Terrorism & Terrorism of Culture'. vii) 18th JULY: ‘Blood Will Have Blood: "Macbeth" & the War on Terror’.
10n) CIVICUS WORLD ASSEMBLY : SCOTLAND : 23rd - 27th May CIVICUS World Assembly, Glasgow, Scotland, from 23rd-27th May. Scottish Exhibition & Conference Centre. See website for details. “Scotland is ideally placed to provide a stimulating & enriching conference environment for the CIVICUS World Assembly, one of the largest annual civil society conferences. Glasgow, with its active civic life & home to a wealth of voluntary organisations, is looking forward to welcoming delegates from around the world, who will be able to interact & share lessons with each other. CIVICUS World Assemblies; will now be held every year, rather than every 2 years, & will be held in one location for 3 years. Thus these 3 CIVICUS World Assemblies will be held in Glasgow & will follow the theme: ‘Acting Together for a Just World’ - inspired by events leading up to the G8 Summit, which showed both the massive global commitment from ordinary citizens for a better & more just world. The CIVICUS World Assembly’s sub-themes of social, economic, political & civic justice remain elusive goals & it has never been clearer to us that the best way to achieve them, & to create a more just world, is by acting together.”
10o) SOCIAL INCLUSION OF MIGRANTS STUDY : FRANCE : 2nd - 9th JUNE Email: Ska Keller Spokesperson of FYEG: “The Federation Of Young European Greens (FYEG) is looking for 35 participants for a study session with the title ‘Social Inclusion of Migrants’; taking place from 2nd-9th of June 2007 in Strasbourg, France. The topic is on the possibilities of migrants & people with migrant backgrounds in the social field, e.g. health care, education & labour market & how migrants can affect these policies on their own. Priority will be given to members of FYEG however, this call is open for everyone. Applicants should be: - citizen of or resident in a member state of the Council of Europe (that’s pretty much all of Europe, not just EU) - be able to communicate in English (no perfection required) - attend the whole study session (arrive on 2nd ; leave on 9th of June) - should not be older than 34.”
10p) DISARM DSEi 2007 : LONDON : 11th Sept To join the mailing list send a blank email to: “Blockade? Party? Destroy? March? Smash? Infiltrate? Invade? Picket? Harass? Clown? Dance? Light candles? Fight? Lock on? Vigil? Disrupt? You Decide! From 11-14 Sept 2007, DSEi (Defence Systems & Equipment international), the world's largest arms fair, returns to East London's ExCeL Centre. Arms dealers will once again be free to deal in death & destruction. ‘Stop the War’ is useless sloganeering unless it is accompanied by a commitment to stopping the global arms trade. War will never stop whilst weapon sales are a booming capitalist business worth $40 billion a year. In 2005, DSEi hosted 1,100 companies, 70 official military delegation & 20,000 visitors from across the globe. Many of the countries invited were at war, some with each other. Many were dictatorships with appalling human rights records. Many had huge national debts with populations in severe states of poverty & starvation. There are no borders, no limitations & certainly no morals when it comes to arms trading. Whilst countries such as the US & UK pretend to restrict the sale of arms, there are enough loopholes to enable dealers to trade whatever they like, to whoever they like.”
10q) LATIN AMERICAN & ASIA PACIFIC FORUM : AUSTRALIA : 11th-14th Oct Email: to register for the forum, or to receive updates. Latin American & Asia Pacific International Solidarity Forum. Oct 11-14, 2007 Melbourne, Australia. “Fighting & organising globally against neoliberalism! A global call for participation. The forum has been initiated by the organisers of several successful conferences & gatherings in solidarity with Latin America & the Asia Pacific, the Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network (AVSN), the Asia Pacific International Solidarity Conference (APISC) & the Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET). The Forum would like to see the broadest possible participation, & encourages activists from all parts of the world to participate. Today, cracks are beginning to appear in the neo-liberal capitalist ruling system. In the Asia-Pacific there is a growing crisis of legitimacy for neo-liberal governments & mass movements of resistance are on the rise. An echo of the massive independence struggles against colonialism and imperialism can again be heard.”
For general enquiries email: For News Around Bristol Visit: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Even those of us who have tried to follow the war closely are not aware of a fraction of the horrors unleashed in Iraq." - Author Arundathi Roy at the World Tribunal on Iraq, Istanbul, 2005. ... SAY YES 2 PEACE ... SAY YES 2 PEACE ... SAY YES 2 PEACE ...