Brian's 2md Epistle to the Anglicans - Mr. Brian W. Haw
Mr. Brian W. Haw | 10.03.2007 10:08 | SOCPA | Iraq | Terror War | London | World
Charity Sweet XXX
Parliament Square Peace Campaign
Westminster, SW1 10AA
Brian’s 2nd epistle to the Anglicans
All God’s children, small and great
On the 2nd day June, 2001, I was sent To Parliament Square, London, with a message very familiar to you. I’ve been here 24/7, on the hard pavement, out in all weathers, ever since - apart from unavoidable stays in hospital; police cells; umpteen court appearances; and two flying visits to Wales and Birmingham.
I’m delighted to finally be able to share with my dear Anglican family some of ‘The Life of Another Brian’ - the last epic years here, and going back. For we are each where and what we are today because of all our yesterdays. Thus, as Martin Luther said, “Here I stand, I can do no other”, this is my experience in turn… you in your small corner and me in mine, indeed. Jesus bids us shine, Amen?
On the 5th anniversary of being here I wrote a short synopsis touching on who, what, why; the very kernel of the message I was given. I include it here. You’ll recognize, warmly receive aspects that are your very life - the love of God that passes all understanding. For other parts not so welcome or familiar, I respectfully ask, as in a book or a court, you bear patience and judgment until the ending. Love, your brother Brian.
Genocidal or Great Britain?
Five years ago, I was sent to Parliament Square with a message of Love, Peace and Justice for all. I have been a silent witness; displaying; and crying out in the face of our beastly government twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, ever since.
I came, having seen what our administration as junior pax-partner, was doing with the United States of Assassins to the people of Iraq. Starkly, it is called, ‘bomb, burn, bugger, beggar your neighbour’. It is what our two countries have done as our second best to the nations of the world for centuries.
In the process of looting their material resources, we’ve committed genocide time and again. The best excuse we use is “Other countries do this too” - genocide against human beings who we regard as lesser than ourselves, ‘unter-menschen’, as the Nazi’s regarded the Jewish and other groups of peoples. It is so ugly; we also prefer not to look at it. As the Germans did though, we must, in order to learn and redress the perpetuating crimes of history. We’re in Iraq and Afghanistan today because we did not learn from our past ‘mistakes’.
My father, Robert William Haw, was a sniper in the British Army; one of the first saviours of the Bergen-Belsen survivors. He gassed himself twenty years later. I was in Belfast, Ireland in 1971 and in Cambodia in 1990. With all the others since, for me, Iraq was a ‘Genocide too Far’.
My ex-wife, children and family are beyond price to me. Your child, you, has the same value, no matter where you live, your race, your religion, whatever. Fifty-seven years of life, five years here - what I have to tell! Immediately though, so many lives are at stake. The sands of time are running out at express speed for our fellow human beings as I write; as we live our relatively comfy, enjoyable, oblivious lives. We are each responsible.
Genocidal or Great Britain? Our choice folks. To encourage, I’ve been so blessed to meet so many truly Great Britons, and glorious people of all race, especially Americans, in my time here. We have the resources between us to make this world a far better place for our children, their children. Let’s stand up for good now, Amen! Let’s not sit down again until this horrible nightmare for our human family is over. We are each responsible. Let’s give the world our best - Best of British, true ‘Old Glory’ of America, Amen!
Well, that’s the general statement, for everyone, in particular us of Britain and America. Now back to Brian’s epistle to the Anglicans! It’s important to speak in familiar terms and language if we are to understand each other, isn’t it?
Reviewing, I’m surprised at my wide Anglican experience from best to worst. I’d love to relate further on this, as invited, in the future. For now, my very first word to the Anglicans was uttered under duress some 57 years ago. “Waaah!” Quite normal, possibly at the baptismal font, except my cry wasn’t just from the dousing, probably also a sly pinch off my sweet twin brother, Eric, with his beatific grin. He had the voice of an angel till sadly it broke on ‘growing up’. I hope I’m as entertaining, having the same ‘aaah!’ factor now I’m an old grizzly, not a grizzly babe.
I’ve been a voice in the wilderness, outside the gates of Parliament, crying out especially for the babies - “Love, Peace, Justice for All”! Should this cry go unheeded forever? Your, my, our tortured baby cries till it dies? Fathers, Mothers, Sisters, Brothers, cry aloud for the Love of sweet Jesus Christ! Am I my brother’s baby’s keeper? Yes! You bet your sweet life we AM. Like our brother Cain, the blood of the innocents will be required at our hands. Anglicans have a strong understanding of this, with apt words regarding - sins of commission and omission. We have a solemn duty to stay the hand, save, as Ezekiel says.
A cradle-roll. All babes, infants of the world in rainbow colours, holding hands in a circle; not a bad start is it? “Jesus died for all the children, all the children of the world; red and yellow, black and white, all are precious in his sight, Jesus died for all the children of the world.” - an early chorus learnt at Sunday school.
Fast-forward to sweet Jenny of New York, USA and a placard she gave me so earnestly, a few years back. It was a black background with a circle of sweet rainbow children of all countries - such photos, such beauty! In the centre were blood red letters - “Which One Shall We Kill First?” Check it out family, which nation’s priceless jewels, their children, have we not slaughtered? Shocked? So we should be. Jesus died for them; we slay them for filthy lucre. If war wasn’t most profitable for some, it would lose its appeal. If it were our most precious ones? Why… it Is!
That’s why I’m here. “It’s the kids - stupid”, an early banner said. You could have seen it here up to the 23rd of May, 2006. Now, the police, unasked, told not to, are ‘taking care of it’ - as burglars and thieves do; that and the rest of the 50 yards of humanity, Christianity, torture, genocide display/evidence that formed the ‘Westminster United Nations Heart Gallery’.
U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy’s son Jonathon said, “This is about Love, Brian”; sculptor Anthony Gormley was in awe of the art he saw here; Canon David Partridge called it a “remarkable twenty four hour Ministry of Peace” in his article, ‘Peace sniper, on the pavement with Mr., Mrs. God’.
For those who never had the chance to visit our display, who were misled by media with vested interest, it may come as a surprise to learn, something very Christian, beautiful, noble, loving, true, was systematically wantonly destroyed on this place where the people should express themselves. And did they just! Manifestations in 25-30 languages of the collective historical wisdom, hard gained, of the people, all God’s children, of the world. It is all recorded; the truth will out in time.
Presently, on the orders of Blair and Blair, the naughty pair, love, humanity, aspirations, hopes, light, life, truth - along with damning evidence of genocide, torture, graphic depiction of the reality, madness, futility of war - it’s all banged up in a box until good judges set it free. Hear, see, speak no truth - monkey business indeed! There is the law against genocide, the Human Rights Act. We are not serious organized criminals for following the command of Christ to love our neighbour as ourselves, to say “USA/UK stop your genocide now!”
The first Christmas I was here, Paul, a vicar from Leeds visited. He gave me quite a letter. “It’s Christmas and we’re killing each other, dropping bombs on our children.” It ended, “… someone somewhere has to do something to stop this madness.” Quite a challenge. What am I doing? What more can I do?
How I love this brother, and so many others all over, who share his loving wonderful spirit. What an incredible, glorious family we have, praise be to God! I’m asked to suggest ‘what can we do?’ for the readers of the Church Times. I wouldn’t presume or day to say any such thing! Teach my granny to suck eggs?
As Vicar Paul prompted me, all I’d say on this, to all the devout, caring, salt of the earth, backbone of our society - my beloved family in Christ: “Please carry on just as you are, more and more of the same. Until, by the Grace of God we receive salvation from on High. Not by might and power, but by ‘My Spirit’ says the Lord. Let’s each do our part.”
I’m asked to say something personally of my family. That’s quite a thing for me at this moment. I just took a phone call from a voice from the past. To hear Kay, how my heart responds to hear her speak. She tells me, as only she can, of my mother in hospital and we don’t know how long we have her with us. How I yearn to put my arms around Mum, after the yearning to do this to Kay firstly; in Kent and in another place out of my reach - it hurts to love too much, you know.
Prior to this, I’d have told you of the love that brought me here. Love for the One who created and redeemed us in such an incredible way. Love for my lady whose name was Kay Haw - ‘pure good’ - as western and Chinese folk tell me. I’d speak of Kay and my beloved eight children; that our love for these gifts of God entrusted to our care, tells me the value to place on my neighbours child.
I’d say of the pain, horror, indignation of learning how my sisters, brothers and their children are so cruelly treated by our and other countries - just because of accident of birth, and the material resources this God-forsaking world covets from my unfortunate kinsfolk’s countries. A diamond or a barrel of oil more precious than God’s child ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’? Abomination, away with this sacrilege!
Well, as days, months, years tick by - suffering, death toll mounts. As a world of children of all ages flows to me here like a river of tears. As our nation and all others pass by on the other side of the road. As weekends pass, I see others playing happy families visiting and seeing the sights. The children of the world are crying a river of tears? Who will dry their eyes or care?
Well, I get a teensy resentful - I think of my deprived, and other cruelly destroyed, families and would roar to the heavens. I want my Lady, my bairns, my kinfolk whose God given lives are valued at naught. I want Love Peace Justice for All. Do I want too much? My whole body suffers when I hammer my thumb by accident. Do I/we hurt as our body of Christ, of humanity, is hammered to destruction, abroad and at home?
Blessed are the Peacemakers - Love is the Answer - Let’s do it now, Amen?
Will I hold my beloved, my mother, my children before… will you hold us, will we hold the ones Christ suffered and died to save? All God’s children - Love Bless and keep them. Mercy and grace, peace, light, and healing joyful laughter be on us all now and forevermore. In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Yours In Jesus Christ.
Love from your brother Brian & Co.
P.S. Always look on the bright side of life – Charity Sweet / /
Mr. Brian W. Haw