Ramzy Baroud's book
Book Worm | 09.03.2007 10:52
1. "The 'invasion' of Jenin" was not justified - FALSE. The TRUTH - Operstion Defensive Shield was responding to the fact that at least 3 major Palestinian terrorist organizations were utilizing Jenin as a base of operations to launch their vicious homicidal attacks against Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs (over 450 murdered 9/2000 - 4/2002), as well as a major recruitment and training center for Palestinian terrorists.
2. Israeli destruction of Jenin was massive and indescriminant - FALSE. The TRUTH - The total area destroyed was less than 100 X 100 meters and was limited to areas known to be used by HAMAS, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Fatah and al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.
3. More than 250 Palestinian civilians were massacred by the IDF at Jenin - FALSE. The TRUTH - 54 Palestinians (the overwhelming majority "militia"/"fighters" armed with assault rifles, submachine guns and RPG's) were killed along with 14 Israeli soldiers. Most of the Israeli soldiers were killed in a ambush where the Palestinians used a 12 year-old boy to lure than into an enclosed area before exploding the boy and the sodliers into bits.
4. A child died when Israeli tanks flattened a Palestinian house - FALSE. The TRUTH - This never happened. The footage that "proves" this was doctored. The man who produced this footage, Muhammed Bakri, has admitted to doctoring the footage.
5. The IDF endangered a hospital treating Palestinians - FALSE. The TRUTH - The IDF guarded a "Palestinian" hospital's water and oxygen supply and blew up nothing that might endanger the hospital despite the fact that it served as a refuge for several fugitives. Baroud's "witness" was in fact being treated in a hospital while the Jenin operation was occurring. The hospital was in Afulla and is an Israeli hospital.
There was one rather shocking truth excluded from Baroud's Book. Wounded Palestinians treated by the IDF refused transfusions of Israeli blood on the grounds that "Jewish blood was always tainted and impure" (an old Joeseph Goerbels charge). The IDF responded by having "acceptable" Arab blood flown in from Jordan at NO small expense to transfuse the Palestinians.
Book Worm