Not Safe!
STOP IT NOW | 24.02.2007 19:41
William Meli
severe limits on citizens' ability to change their government;
numerous unlawful killings by security forces;
regular torture,
beatings, and other abuses of persons, particularly detainees and prisoners, by security forces;
impunity among the security forces;
harsh and life-threatening prison conditions;
arbitrary arrest and detention of Anglophone citizens advocating secession, local human rights monitors/activists, and other citizens; prolonged--and sometimes incommunicado--pretrial detention;
infringement on citizens' privacy rights;
restrictions on freedoms of speech, press, assembly, and association; abuse and harassment of journalists; limits on freedom of movement; widespread corruption; violence, including rape, and discrimination against women; trafficking in persons, primarily children; societal discrimination against indigenous Pygmies and ethnic minorities; discrimination against homosexuals; restrictions on worker rights and the activities of independent labour organisations; child labour, slavery, and forced labour, including forced child labour.
Offical Home OFFICE OPERATIONAL GUIDANCE NOTE Issued 24 January 2007
Bring back William Meli
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