Stop Trident/Troops Out demo (Transport from South Wales)
ADAM JOHANNES | 18.02.2007 19:46
Called by CND, Stop the War Coalition & The British Muslim Initiative
Assemble 12 Noon, Hyde Park to march to Trafalgar Square, Central London
Coaches leave:
CARDIFF: 8 am, Museum Steps
PENARTH: 8 am, outside All Saints Church, Victoria Rd.
NEWPORT: 8.30 am, Bus Station
Tickets cost - £16 waged / £8 unwaged
E-mail: Adam Johannes at: to reserve a seat on the coach!
Transport available from across South Wales, see:
Two weeks ago, as Bush sent over 20,000 more troops to Iraq, half a million protestors marched on Washington to say Bring the Troops Home Now!
Many thousands more joined protests held in towns and cities across America.
In order to fund warfare, Bush has slashed welfare.
The "war on terror" is a war on the poor at home and abroad.
In Britain, billions that could be spent on hospitals, schools and pensions are being spent on new weapons of mass destruction.
We need to create an alternative to more war on Iraq & Afghanistan, the intensification of the nuclear arms race and the threat of an attack on Iran.
Trident Programme =
760 General Hospitals + 1,900 Schools