Autonomous activists invade GEO offices
Autonomous Activists from Oxford and London | 17.02.2007 18:19 | Migration | London | Oxford
We delivered leaflets and ‘verbally communicated’ our disdain at this immoral corporation. We discovered that there were actually only three employees in the office (it was lunchtime) who seemed startled at our exhibition.
As we attempted to leave, we discovered that we had been locked in, and had to find an alternative exit.
We’d encourage others to pay them a friendly visit, or call them on 01189359460.
Site -
Due to technical difficulties, the video of the action will be uploaded within the next few days.
Autonomous Activists from Oxford and London
17.02.2007 19:56
more info on GEO / Wackenhut
18.02.2007 09:13
This US based company has been at the centre of all manner of inmate-abuse scandals. There are routine reports of extreme mistreatment of inmates, and there is a disproportionately high level of deaths in their facilities.
After a CBS news report exposed the repeated rape of a 14-year-old girl at a Wackenhut juvenile jail and two guards were found guilty, its CEO said, "It's a tough business. The people in prison are not Sunday-school children."
Wackenhut's most public response to all this was to change its name to the GEO Group. It continues to win lucrative government contracts.
Prison never 'works' - down with the walls right now
surveillance and incarceration industry
18.02.2007 10:50
GEO operate in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. In South Africa they run the first private prison. There is much media attention paid to the high crime rate in South Afrca but little attention to the vested interests of big businesses involved in a plethora of 'security services' in maintaining high crime figures that are a result of an ever widening wealth gap.
Security cannot be bought, only nurtured through the sharing of the world's resources which are not owned by big business.
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