THE EARTH AID ENVIRONMENTAL CAMPAIGN | 04.02.2007 19:06 | Climate Chaos | World
"Can You Save the Human Race?" is proposed as a live action drama recording the true story of the Children's Revolution and the emerging global youth movement to try to save humanity from extinction caused by global warming.
Today the environmental movement is preparing for worldwide campaigns against global warming and climate change which many scientists believe are driving the human race to extinction.
The Martian Collective will be the creative force supporting the new generation of young people dedicated to saving humanity from the global destruction of the Earth.
A new report from the Earth Aid Environmental Campaign entitled "Can You Save the Human Race?" details all the scientific evidence which proves that the oil companies and the other transnational corporations and the governments that work for them are together responsible for causing global warming.
Our lawyers intend to take legal action against all the members of the Bilderberg Group, including the British and American governments, to try to get the most senior judges in Britain, America, and Europe to hold them all legally accountable for their illegal actions.
Many reputable international government scientists are now claiming that humanity faces extinction this century as a result of global warming and climate change.
The 2500 scientists of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned on 2 february 2007 that irreversible runaway global warming is likely very soon unless urgent action is taken immediately to curb the huge rise in greenhouse gas emissions.
The rapidly rising temperatures caused by the burning of fossil fuels are melting the polar ice caps, drying up all the world's rivers, and causing droughts, famines, heat waves, forest fires, tornadoes, the expansion of the deserts, and the destruction of the rainforests.
"Final Warning" was the Independent newspapers's front page headline on 3 February.
"One third of all species on the planet face extinction with a temperature rise of 2.4 degrees.
"The Amazonian rainforest burns in a firestorm of catastrophic intensity, covering South America with ash and smoke," was the UN scientists' prediction for a rise of 3.4 degrees.
"At 4.4 degrees the melting ice caps and sea level rises will make much of the sub tropics uninhabitable and displace more than 100 million people," the Independent said.
"More than half of wild species are wiped out, in the worst mass extinction since the end of the dinosaurs."
An increase of 5.4 degrees would cause the West Antarctic ice sheet to break up, adding five metres to global sea levels.
"If these temperatures are sustained, the entire planet will become ice-free, and sea levels will be 70 metres higher than today.
"Super-El Ninos spark global weather chaos.
"Most of humanity begins to seek refuge away from higher temperatures closer to the poles.
"Tens of millions of refugees force their way into Scandanavia and the British Isles.
"World food supplies run out."
"Most of life is exterminated" was the scientists' worst case scenario with their prediction of a possible increase in global temperatures of 6.4 degrees Celsius this century, according to the Independent.
"Warming seas lead to the possible release of methane hydrates trapped in sub-oceanic sediments: methane fireballs tear across the sky, causing further warming," wrote eco journalist Mark Lynas.
"The oceans lose their oxygen and turn stagnant, releasing poisonous hydrogen sulphide gas and destroying the ozone layer.
"Deserts extend almost to the Arctic. 'Hypercanes' (hurricanes of unimaginable ferocity) circumnavigate the globe, causing flash floods which strip the land of soil.
"Humanity reduced to a few survivors eking out a living in polar refuges.
"Most of life on Earth has been snuffed out, as temperatures rise higher than for hundreds of millions of years," Mr Lynas concluded.
Russian scientists have already claimed that the Gulf Stream has slowed down by more than 30% and that there will be a new ice age in Britain and Europe when it stops completely, probably around 2012, the year the Olympics are being planned for London.
Temperatures in Britain will drop overnight to minus 20 degrees and below for more than 100 days a year and all the canals and rivers will be frozen over.
Sea ice will block all the British ports and the airports will be closed.
When the new ice age comes Britain and Europe will experience heat waves in the summers with temperatures as high as 40 degrees Celsius.
This is likely to occur very soon and very suddenly.
Instead of planning to hold the Olympics in London in 2012 the British people should be getting onto a war footing to combat the worst effects of global warming.
All around the world the problems caused by climate change are getting progressively worse.
Hunger, poverty and disease are on the increase in all the Third World countries, and billions of people will die in the floods that will engulf the planet by the middle of this century, according to the last major climate scientists' report in January 2006.
The worldwide flooding will begin to swamp all the world's lowlying coastal areas in 2007, and hundreds of millions of people will be displaced from their homes, according to a secret Pentagon report leaked to the Observer newspaper in 2004 and published on their front page.
The wars over oil, land, food, and water which the United Nations scientists predicted in the 1990s have already begun, and their nightmare scenario of a global nuclear war destroying all life on earth is now becoming increasingly likely.
Professor James Lovelock predicted in December 2006 that the earth would become uninhabitable this century, and that 90% of humanity would be wiped out completely.
Global warming was irreversible and the only thing that Britain could do about it was to attempt to protect itself by making sure the country's food supplies were secure, he claimed.
As well as being the initial evidence for the court cases against the capitalist economic system, the report "Can You Save the Human Race?" also includes many of the ideas, projects, and campaigns of the worldwide environmental movement designed to find and implement solutions to the global crisis.
A network of Consumer Revolt Earth Fairs all over the world is being proposed as a way for local people everywhere to take control of their own local affairs.
In Britain environmental campaigners are planning massive opposition to the expansion of the airports and to the 2012 Olympics, both of which will bring the threats of runaway global warming and the extermination of humanity even closer if they are allowed to go ahead.
"Can You Save the Human Race?" has also been written as the script for a satirical environmental science fiction opera to be performed and sung as live street theatre by the Martian collective of activist musicians and actors.
This historic opera will star Angel and Sunshine, the legendary mother and daughter team who have been involved with all the major peace and environmental campaigns in Britain, and who helped to initiate the kids' bloc Children's Revolution at the G8 summit protest at Gleneagles in Scotland in 2005.
The children of the eco warriors defied the riot police and blocked one of the main roads leading to the Gleneagles hotel where George Bush and Tony Blair were meeting with other world "leaders".
At the Camp for Climate Action protest against the Drax power station in August 2006 the kids' bloc held their second Children's Revolution by leading the march with their now famous banner "The Kids Are Revolting!".
We intend to tell the true story of the worldwide environmental movement through the eyes of the Children of the Eco Warriors as they resist and fight back in self defence against the destruction of the Earth, and attempt to save the human race from extinction.
"Can You Save the Human Race?" will be an epic adventure tale about how the ALIENS have taken over control of all the world's governments and all the transnational corporations, and are polluting the atmosphere and killing off all life on Earth.
The Martians are the world's children and the teenagers who are now rising up in a massive new global youth movement to start a World Revolution to save humanity from being exterminated by overthrowing all the ALIEN governments and big businesses.
All serious musicians, actors, artists, writers and film makers interested in helping to ensure the survival of future generations are invited to join the Martian Collective and to adopt the report "Can You Save the Human Race?" as their manifesto and call to arms in the coming War Against Global Warming.
Environmental activists in the London area are preparing for the battles ahead in much the same style as the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto resisted the Nazis.
In other words it may be too late to save ourselves but we're still going to try.
London was named by the United Nations' scientists as one of the major world coastal cities that will be flooded as a result of rising sea levels caused by global warming.
Almost two million people will be at risk from coastal flooding in Britain alone, the Guardian newspaper reported on 3 February, 2007.
In the evening all the television channels were reporting that the deadly strain of bird flu fatal to humans had infected turkeys at a factory farm in Suffolk, that hundreds of thousands of the birds were to be slaughtered, and that an exclusion zone extending for hundreds of miles would be enforced.
On Sunday 4 February the newspapers were reporting that the police were probably about to bring criminal charges against the British prime minister Tony Blair and some of his top advisers for corruption in the cash for honours scandal engulfing the British government.
Serious environmentalists believe that the only way to save the human race from becoming extinct as a result of the effects of climate change is for local people to take over control of their own local affairs and to get rid of the big corporations and the governments responsible for destroying the Earth and all life on it.
The worldwide Earth Fair Consumer Revolt that we are attempting to start in the Central London area is intended to try to help the local people to understand what environmentalism and localisation and environmental economics are really all about in a very practical way.
We want to be able to help the people of London to protect their own local area from being flooded by the rising seas which will cause the Thames river to swamp the city in the very near future if no direct action is taken soon by the ordinary people themselves.
This will be inevitable now if the big corporations and the government just carry on with their money hungry plans to build new developments and hotels and casinos in coastal areas and to expand all the airports and to destroy the Hackney nature reserves for the 2012 Olympics.
Huge amounts of public money are being wasted on projects that are destroying the environment and making global warming and climate change far worse than they already are.
Big business must be driven out of all the local areas all over the planet and the alien governments must be overthrown in a World Revolution to save humanity.
Hopefully the children of the eco warriors will lead the march to the British Houses of Parliament this summer and the British people will all join in with us to overthrow the corrupt British government and start a new alternative economic and political system that could help to transform the Earth into a paradise.
Progress with all of these plans has so far been slow but steady.
Angel has recently completed a new song called "For the Children" which asks the question "What have we done to the Earth?" and she and Sunshine are about to leave for India where they will be teaming up with their old friend Harry, a veteran Vietnam war correspondent now writing about world peace and the environment.
Together they will be investigating the global environmental impact of India's rapid industrialisation and the plight of the hundreds of millions of child slaves imprisoned and forced to make consumer goods for sale in Western stores.
In London the social centre near Portobello has been dissolved but new social centres have been opened in other areas, and Indymedia and friendz have started up Monday Love again at the Good Ship at 289 Kilburn High Road from 7pm until very late every Monday night.
Monday Love brings a heady mix of conscious cinema and live music to The Good Ship, welcoming those who still believe in something more than money and fear... to watch, listen, chat and chill.
There are plans for a new environmental project this year in the Central London area, hopefully in a very large building suitable for an Earth Fair Consumer Revolt community centre where the local people will feel happy to come and get actively involved with us.
Our friends in groups like Peace Not War, the European Creative Forum, the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clandestine Clown Army, the Rhythms of Resistance, School Students Against War, People and Planet, the Wombles etc will also be able to have a much larger space to work in and to interact with the public.
So far we do not have a full crew of eco campaigners to enable us to provide a complete environmental awareness service for the local people.
The Earth Fair is supposed to be something like an indoor Camp for Climate Action with full public participation in a comprehensive programme that will include the recycling and reusing of second hand goods.
We are hoping that Rising Tide, Earth First etc will be able to get involved and help us to make this dream a reality.
"It sounds like you have some great plans," was Rising Tide's response to our request for help.
"I can send something round to the London Rising Tide and maybe also London climate camp lists, if that would be useful.
"LRT is very stretched right now, and mostly working on the Whitechapel CoMutiny Garden, so it might be hard for people to find time for your plans.
"I'm doing less LRT stuff and concentrating on a music project, so I'm not able to get involved.
Anyway, let me know what you'd like me to do."
In the likely absence of support from groups like Rising Tide, Earth First, Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace, in preparation for the proposed major project in Central London in the summer we are looking at the idea of supporting local residents in their protests against new supermarkets and other environmentally destructive developments.
In addition we are also assisting with the buildup to the campaigns against the Olympics in Hackney and Stratford, and the planned expansion of Heathrow Airport.
There is also a plan to start the Earth Fair Consumer Revolt in squatted shops in the Central London area, and to demonstrate by example the concept of recycling and reusing second hand goods.
In this way we are hoping we might be able to recruit a large enough crew for the much bigger building by the summer, preferably from amongst the local people of London themselves.
Nation Records (Asian Dub Foundation, Charged, DJ Cheb I Sabbah, Fun-da-mental, Hustlers HC, Joi, Loop Guru, Lunar Drive, Natacha Atlas, Prophets of Da City, Recycler, Swami, TJ Rehmi, Transglobal Underground etc) have expressed an interest in working with us in creating a new music collective.
We are hoping that Nation Records will seriously consider getting involved with these proposals for a much closer involvement between established musicians and the alternative peace and environmental campaigners who are now actively working to fight back against the business people and the politicians who are destroying the Earth.
Angel and Sunshine will be in India for several weeks looking at ways to try to help the starving children there, and when they return they would like to be able to discuss our plans for the new music collective with everyone who is interested in being involved with it.
The report "CAN YOU SAVE THE HUMAN RACE?" has still not yet been completed but when it is finished it will go straight to our lawyers so that they can get on with the serious business of helping to provide the legal basis for the World Revolution that must happen soon if humanity is to survive the very real threat of extinction.
"Final Warning - most of life is exterminated" the Independent newspaper reported on its front page on 3 February 2007, and there can be little doubt now that most of the people of the world should be willing to support our court cases against the oil companies and the corporations and the governments responsible for causing global warming.
The cases will be brought in Britain, Europe and America as class actions on behalf of the Children of the World, and we will be asking the judges to hold the Bilderberg Group accountable for their actions.
Our accusations are both civil and criminal and we are hoping that the most senior judges in the world in the High Court in London, the Supreme Court in America, and the European Court of Human Rights will not only find all the defendants guilty but will also legally authorise the inauguration of an alternative economic and political system for the Earth's people before it is too late.
Disclaimer: Earth Films is making a film entitled "The Martians Have Landed" starring Angel and Sunshine and the global environmental movement, and all the above is just the script for the Children's Revolution that will overthrow all the alien governments and transnational corporations and save the human race from extinction.
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