The difference between piracy and theft
dp | 04.02.2007 15:58 | Culture | Technology
Bobby points out that Edgar Bronfman, chairman and CEO of the Warner Music Group, recently admitted that his own children 'stole' music but that he 'dealt with it within the family' by reprimanding them. That's a nice option compared to having your family bankrupted by a series of malicious lawsuits. The rich get richer only when the poor are cowed into submission. The Santangelo family, supported by the file-sharing community, prove if we take a stand, we can reverse the situation.
If you can afford a small donation to Bobby's court costs, remember it could be your kid next time:
Bill Gates, another rich as sin scourge of pirates, recently met with the President of Romania to promote his latest over-priced product. The President told him "Piracy helped the young generation discover computers. It set off the development of the IT industry in Romania and helped Romanians improve their creative capacity in the IT industry, which has become famous around the world... ten years ago, it was an investment in Romania's friendship with Microsoft and with Bill Gates."
Gates said nothing - no MicroShaft lawyers have contacted the Romanian goverment.
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