12th February Aldermaston Blckade - a Reminder
Blockader | 04.02.2007 09:43 | Anti-militarism | South Coast
> Fantastic February Blockade at AWE Aldermaston
> From 7 am at Tadley gate
> Meet up the night before for conspiracy and practice
> Block the Builders are calling for special efforts for this last announced
> blockade before the vote on Trident replacement
> Parliament will vote on Trident replacement within weeks. The government
> are proposing a long term policy in favour of new nuclear weapons and
> against
> disarmament. Now is the time to show your opposition to British weapons of
> mass destruction in a practical and visible way.
> If Parliament vote to replace Trident in March it will be an uphill
> struggle for decades to come, so it is vital that we exert pressure now to
> influence the
> debate. This means not just taking action, but also letting people know -
> local groups, local media and your local MPs as they are the ones who will
> be voting.
> At Aldermaston new facilities to develop the replacement for Trident are
> already being built. Block the Builders are calling for all building work
> to
> stop until a decision is made about the future of Britain's nuclear
> weapons.
> Previously...
> In November 400 people descended on Aldermaston to oppose Trident
> replacement and halt the construction of new facilities. Nuclear war work
> was disrupted for several hours but the large numbers involved meant that
> only one person was arrested. The more people we have the lower the risks
> are.
> The road outside Aldermaston was closed by police for two hours in
> December during a blockade by a dozen people using a concrete-filled
> wheelie bin and
> a variety of lock-ons. And a successful surprise action this week by
> Scottish activists saw construction traffic blocked for four hours and
> concrete
> lorries arriving to build the new facilities were turned away.
> Join the blockade on Monday 12 February.
> Block the Builders are calling for a special effort during this crucial
> time.
> Non-arrestables and supporters are needed. We are encouraging others to
> "be
> prepared". Bring plans, equipment and enthusiasm. Bring your friends!
> Accommodation available the night before, legal support team on the day.
> See www.blockthebuilders.org.uk for further details or
> ring 07969 739 812