The Execution of Saddam Hussain - some thoughts
yal-ani | 05.01.2007 19:27 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | World
1) The trial and execution of Saddam, in addition to all the mass killings, torture, rape and ethnic cleansing currently happening in Iraq for millions of people, prove that the invasion and occupation were based on lies and fabrications by the British and American governments and their media organisations. As Muslims, we know that the main characteristic for any Mushrik and Munafiq is to fabricate lies and not saying or hiding the truth, and this war is a clear manifestation of this characteristic.
2) One example of theses lies is the statement that Sunnis are minority in Iraq and they were controlling Iraq under the government of Saddam. This lie was repeated many times by Jack Straw. If they are minority, and millions of them were displaced, killed and imprisoned as we see in the news, how come they can still after nearly four years, kill 111 American soldiers in the last month alone? They are minority but with super powers!!
For Saddam’s government, it was always with many Shias controlling important posts. Do you know that Shias ran the Oil Ministry in Iraq for 35 years?
3) The execution was carried out and witnessed by nearly 20 people, all of them are Shia and many of them are of Iranian origin and nationality. The government insisted to carry out the execution on the first day of Eid as a clear message to all the Muslims, that Baghdad has fallen under our hands and we can hang the president on the Eid day. It was reported few weeks ago that one of their main clerics in Baghdad was saying, that the next time we will control the Madina of the Prophet and remove the dirt, which is beside his grave – referring to removing the graves of Abu Baker and Omar!! As a matter of fact, they managed to destroy the graves of the great Sahaba Anas Bin Malik in Basrah and Hudaifah Bin Al-Yaman in Madaeen ( a town near Baghdad, which was the capital of Persians in Iraq during the time of our Prophet and the Sahaba).
4) The execution was praised by many governments known for their hostilities to Iraq and Muslims. The previous Iranian president Rafsinjani said it is divine justice and similar thing was said by the Israeli government! The majority of Arab government kept silent, as they are afraid to get the same fate if they object to their American masters.
5) Without doubt, many people were imprisoned, tortured and killed during the time of Saddam (of course a fraction of what is happening now under the occupation). However, Saddam and his sons killed in Iraq, and rejected the offers to handover the country and live outside safely. I think this steadfastness is very rare in our generations. Saddam died reciting the two Shahada while the rope was around his neck and he even taunted his executers by saying, while they were cursing him, “is this manhood?” We ask Allah to live and die in peace but I don’t know how many Muslims can recite the Shahada while they are in similar positions?
6) Finally, what are the views of Muslim scholars regarding Saddam and the wars on Iraq? In 1990, after the invasion of Kuwait, the Saudi “official” scholars, led by Sheikh Bin Baz issued the fatwa that Saddam is Kafir and allowing half a million soldiers to station in Saudi Arabia and attack Iraq, without any condition. Many other Arab scholars (including very famous names) approved the fatwa. Few scholars like Salman Al-Oada and Safar Al-Hawali (both Saudis) rejected the fatwa and ended up in prison for several years. Many Muslims even supported the 2nd war in 2003 on the basis that they believed that America would bring democracy and prosperity to Iraq. I don’t know how these brothers and sisters, who didn’t sincerely repent, could answer Allah s.w.t. on the day of judgement. The hadith says who supports the killing of a Muslim even with half a word will not be able to smell paradise.