(An Opinion) no news here
Col | 11.12.2006 11:12 | Analysis | Indymedia
It's editorial policies, particularly in the last couple of years have been nothing short of a disgrace and in an open newswire such as this, It's questionable as to whether Editorial status above and beyond self editing is even needed (other than for general admin duties).
Topics should never be hidden, heated discussion should be left to evolve into Idea's that challenge our misconceptions, we are all adult's and we can all take a bit of contrary opinion.
It's time that the supreme editors here at IM, if they are really needed at all, were elected into that position in an open and democratic fashion. I'm pretty sure modern technology would facilitate this with ease.
otherwise there will have to be another reclaim the media, this time it won't be mainstream.
get your shit together folk's or ship the fcuk out.
Col !
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